My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was.
-GSnow, Reddit, 2011

I will introduce myself to you through a short, recent part of this journey that is my life. It’s a journey which let me to where I am today this exact moment, sitting on my balcony looking at the golden, scorching afternoon sun and writing this article. It is a journey which started with loss and grief, but I promise this article will not be a cry for attention. I will focus on how I managed to remain strong and be the survivor that the human evolution has made me. Steemit, my name is Zhenya and I am 24 years old. I was born in the beautiful Russian city of St. Petersburg but 3 years ago I took the big decision to move to Germany and pursue my dreams at a great University here. Life as a student is amazing. Other than the mandatory exams every few months, life has been pretty much worry-free. I live in a lovely city, with a large, vibrant student community, I have three amazing roommates which have become my best friends and I get to go out and enjoy myself every weekend. Life couldn’t be more amazing.

At first, all you can do is float and survive. You hang on the scattered pieces of your life; a memory, a photograph, a gift from the person you loved, a friend – you just stay alive. Huge waves come and hit you again and again, one after the other. They come many times during the day and hit you without mercy making you feel helpless. They suffocate you and they crush you. But slowly, after a few weeks or months, these huge waves start to slow down. They still crash you when they come but in between you can breathe, you can start to hope and live again. These waves of grief can by triggered by anything; memories, photographs, everyday life events. But you learn to live with it. Slowly, the waves get smaller and smaller and they don’t come as often anymore. When they come, you start feeling more prepared for them, more ready to deal with whatever they might bring you. When you lose someone you love so much, the waves will never stop coming, but you learn to live with them, you discover your real strength as a human being and you start to survive.

All of the above, as written by the Reddit user GSnow, gave me courage and strength when I needed it the most. I didn’t feel alone anymore, I understood that life is like that for every human being. It helped me realize that the more the waves come, the stronger you become. This is the message I wanted to share with you in my first Steemit article. We will all have to deal with these feelings at some point in our lives. When that time comes, don’t try to avoid the waves. Face them, embrace them and learn to live with them. After you allow yourself an initial period of grief, start living your life again. Stand on your own two feet and continue being the survivor you were born to be. Keep yourself busy with life. Don’t become isolated because that’s when the waves hit you the hardest. Go out and continue living, put your time in doing the things you enjoy doing and spend it with the people you love. In the same manner that nature gave us ways to deal with hunger, thirst and the adversities of life, it has equipped us with the necessary mechanisms to deal with sadness and grief. The loss of a loved one will always leave a gap in our lives but the same way that I can be again the happy person I was 6 months ago and continue to enjoy my life, you can do the same.

Thank you for letting me introduce myself in this way Steemit and I can’t wait for what lies ahead for us!

Welcome on board from south of you :)
Thank you :)
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Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same
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Hello! :) Thanks for the tip!
Welcome to the platform @zhenyasden. This a lovely, heartfelt introduction and I hope you find good strength and community on this site.
Thank you hansikhouse :) It already feels good to be here
Hi Zhenya :) I hope you like it here! I'm glad you've found your calm patch in the sea. <3
Hey goldenroom :) I'm sure I will! Thank you
You are going to love it here, Zhenya! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
Thanks for the welcome bitgeek :) Followed!
Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)