Hi steemians good morning ..
Introducing my name Zufrizal * @zufrizal * born and raised in a small town Samalanga, Aceh on April 24, 1982. Traveling winding with elementary school education graduated in 1994, junior high school graduated in 1997, high school graduated in 2001.
Successful bachelor degree is very challenging in 2014. Very different if the high school graduates in 2001 should be a scholar that is maximal in 2005. But the reality of the opposite because the will is the main after the cost of living.
A long, grueling struggle.
At the age of 35 now with a job as a school operator or a staff at a private school in the city I now live.
Everyday is full of amazing school data work.
Hobby has always been like a football is not a personal talent, but just eliminating the burden of playing ..
Since 2002 I have studied computer courses and now I love to blog and write anything.
I married a wife in 2015
Fostering households that are still not complex because they have not been blessed momongan, now almost 3 years.
A glimpse of my introduction in steemit that makes an inspiration live.
Thank you for your participation ..
Please follow + upvote
Thanks ...
introducemyself in Bahasa Indonesia Language
Hai steemians selamat pagi..
perkenalkan nama saya Zufrizal * @zufrizal * lahir dan di besarkan di sebuah Kota kecil Samalanga, Aceh tanggal 24 April 1982. Menempuh perjalanan berliku dengan pendidikan sekolah dasar lulus tahun 1994, sekolah menengah pertama lulus tahun 1997, sekolah menengah atas lulus tahun 2001.
Sukses meraih gelar sarjana yang sangat menantang tahun 2014. Sangat berbeda jauh bila lulusan sekolah menengah atas tahun 2001 seharusnya menjadi sarjana yaitu maksimal tahun 2005. Tapi kenyataan sebaliknya sebab kemauaan adalah yang utama setelah biaya hidup.
Perjuangan panjang yang melelahkan.
Di umur yang 35 tahun sekarang dengan pekerjaan sebagai operator sekolah atau staff di sekolah swasta di kota saya sekarang tinggal.
Keseharian penuh dengan pekerjaan data sekolah yang luar biasa.
Hobi sejak dulu seperti sepakbola adalah bukan bakat pribadi, namun cuma menghilangkan beban bermain..
Sejak 2002 pernah belajar kursus komputer dan sekarang menjadi hal yang saya sukai yaitu blog dan menulis sesuatu apapun..
Saya menikahi seorang isteri di tahun 2015
Membina rumah tangga yang masih belum komplek sebab belum dikaruniai momongan, sekarang hampir 3 tahun.
Sekilas perkenalan saya di steemit yang menjadikan sebuah inspirasi hidup.
Terimakasih atas pertisipasinya..
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Welcome! Have a great time here! Get more followers and upvotes here: https://steemfollower.com/?r=1602.
Take a look at my blog, daily giveaways and contests and a LOT of WISDOM
HI .... congratulations from my side .welcome to steemit platform ..I commented on your post..
nice too meet you

Helo, apa kabar @zufrizal? Sudah kami upvote.. *-)
Welcome Zufrizal!
Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung di steemit bang @zufrizal, saya yakin akan dapat banyak ilmu dari postingan-postingan abg nanti, baik itu masalah kegiatan mengajar atau lainnya. Semoga Allah SWT memberikan buah hati untuk keluarga kecil abg secepatnya. Salam kenal dan salam persahabtan
Salam persahabatanTerimakasih bg @saini88 semoga doa bg terkabulkan...
HI .... congratulations from my side .welcome to steemit platform ..I commented on your post...I have created a fb page " steemit global community" join us...we will give you all the help needed.
Get to make new friends..
Follow me on @abdullahkhattak..
Please your paste link your group...
Thanks much
ok @abdullahkhattak
ok @abdullahkhattak
HI .... congratulations from my side .welcome to steemit platform ..I commented on your post...I have created a fb page " steemit global community" join us...we will give you all the help needed.link is
If you join this page , then the members of page will follow you too.so yours choice .
We upvote for an upvote.
Get to make new friends..
https://mbasic.facebook.com/groups/117690888899348? Follow me on @abdullahkhattak..
Welcome to steemit,bro. Great to meet you. Regards to your family.
Thank so much
Grow up a best friends n family
But the reality of the opposite because the will is the main after the cost of living.
Luar biasa
Welcome @zurfrizal aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.
Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it
@circleoffriends #circleoffriends #cof
thanks...so much more
Welcome to Steemit! :)
nice..how to much more power dollar
Welcome buddy.
Upvoted and Followed.
Hey! Welcome to Steemit. Nice introduction post! Hope you have a good time.
Thanks you for su
Nice to meet you, @zufrizal! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)