Hello minna, namae wa Apaulyne desu and this is my cat, Tamarind. I turned 20 on March and a HS graduate. As you can see on my picture, i'm a lover of cats; not just cats but a lot of domestic animals. I usually sing and dance during free time.. or do sports.
I'm a naturally born filipina; and can speak different languages such as japanese, korean, and french. I got my chinese blood from our great grandmother; She's a centenarian and counting...
I love to read and write stories, especially romance and literature. I dreamt of becoming a writer since i got an award during high school , a model and a photographer.
I am a singlemom of a cute little girl; she just turned three last november but she don't act like a kid sometimes. She takes care of me more than i do to her. She's the reason of my existence second to my mom. I might have taken my own life if not for her in my womb.
And to relieve my stress, besides seeing my daughter's smile or face, i just walk and make myself tired or cook at home, making my own recipes. And sometimes, just capturing some moments..
Welcome to the Steem community @ajah025
welcome dear @ajah025 to steemit wish you good luck forever
Welcome to steemit
welcome to steemit :) I'm single mom also, be strong girl ! we can do this :D
Welcome switie! Make sure to shine!
Welcome to steemit @ajah025
Welcome to steemit @ajah025 , It's nice to know you through steemit. I'm hoping you'd share some of your works soon. Godspeed!
Welcome to Steemit! Have a wonderful journey. Best.
J.E. desu. Yoroshiku.Hajimemashite @ajah025-san.
Hehe, I only know a bit of Jap. Welcome to Steemit :)
Too young lady
Welcome to wonderful community
Welcome to steemit... You are a beautiful young woman and I wish you much luck and fortune in the future. Your grandmother is beautiful and I love your cats!
Welcome on Steemit, you have two beautiful cats! :)
Welcome on board dear... Hope you will teach me how to speak Japanese?
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Welcome @ajah025...