Something about myself and "HOPE"

in #introducing8 years ago (edited)

Hello, all the wonderful people from this beautiful world. I am approved to steemit and i am really very excited about it.
My name is Rahul Pareek and I am a digital marketer and an Entreprenaur of 25 years old.
Also i have developed a huge interest in cryptocurrencies recently.
Steemit seems to be very awesume concept of crypto world and its alo helping people networking by writing down their life experiences,interesting articles and many valuable information.
And how can we forget the best part about steemit.I know most of you know what i am saying about:-p.
Its the "Money" and you have guessed it right :-)
Rahul Pareek.jpg

There are billions of people in this world and most people are of middle-class families like me.
Rest are either the lucky Richie's or the pity beggars.
I believe that everyone in this world can reach to the top if they have the right determination to work hard and learn things and do their works in the right direction.
All people who are hard working hard have a faith that one day it will pay off.
I am one of them but in in today's world just working hard does not give the gurrantee to be successful but working smart with complete dedication will surely lead to success someday.

I am struggling to be successful and earn money for my family but had not much luck yet.But as i said faith & hope are the two key words which no one should forget.
Life is very unpredicable and maximum time things never happen as we thought it to be and I believe that its just a test/exam from the god to test our capability of handling any adverse situation.

Currently, i am a founder of an online company but due to lack of money i am unable to run it properly.My this startup was recognised as one of the Top 45 startups of India in this year by a reputated organising company but still not got any luck in seeking investment and now already i m in debt of around 4000 dollars which is huge for me but still i am having hope on lord and working superhard to beat this worst phase of my life.

I am not a professional writer so plz ignore my mistakes in the writing as i have just tried to convey my feelings and emotions via this wonderful platorm and lastly i also hope that i will earn some dollars from here as well 😃..Lets see it comes true or not :-p

Today i am feeling very happy as i never thought that i would write such articles someday.

I am loving my writing experince.Its feeling very much relaxing and wonderul😃
I would love to hear you all wonderful people life experiences.
Please share your feeling in the comment box if you are going through a bad phase of life like me or gone though in the past and still never loses hope.

Bdw i will try to write articles everyday from now onwards. Hope so 😃 😃 😃

Plesae follow me and be my friend .A big thanks and loads of love to you all :-) <3 <3