Introducing myself

Stanley Sanele Mathanda is my name. A man who grew up from a family of six 3 boys and 3 girls . I reside in South Africa. I was raised from a Christian family and groomed in an Adventist religion. Love is the value that kept us as a family since I was young despite the challenges that were piling on us.

Poor background and poverty is the hunger that gave me the passion to work very hard towards my financial freedom. I grew up around bad friends, morons who had no purpose in life. My parents never taught me about money and rules around achieving financially, I couldn’t run away from that. 20170406_101750.jpgI changed the group of people that was around me and a new group of motivational videos, books and audio tapes took over.

From the research to change my life and destiny I fell in love with the financial markets, a passion beyond my imagination emerged with a juice to tell my story of success one day. A sour background gave me a mission to help others to pull themselves from a dark tunnel of hunger. It is of this reason that I became a friend of Google until I got a powerful platform Thanks to Jerry Banfield, from his post I found my self among a group of winners and dedicated individuals. A group that is about to change and bring light to the world.

As an upcoming interprenuer I stand to be groomed, corrected and guided by your comments, questions, critism and contributions to my posts. I love and appreciate to be part of this winning community. I dedicate my self to support and develop content that brings financial awareness and inspiration to young adults.

My content post shall range from motivation to what I love most (financial markets), as well as right strategies to win the game of success from the most powerful interprenuers who walked the path successfully. A drive to achieve without the right strategies is likely to fail hence it is my dream and vision that together we can build each other and a world we dream of. Thank you for welcoming me in advance, Love you all.