Hello everyone! My name is Connor, and I like to call myself Arsolium. If you're wondering where the name came from, it's not a real element. It's a portmanteau of Arsenic, Lithium and Linoleum. I was born near Philadelphia on October 22 and I'm 13 years old.
Ever since I was 3, I've had an enormous interest in technology. I've probably learned almost everything there is to know about technology, besides coding and hardware design, which I'm learning now.
I was born with Aspberger's disorder, which is a very mild form of autism, and it has its ups and downs. I've been getting help with it since I was 4 and next year I will be done, which I can't wait for because it's a complete hellhole to me. That might be exaggeration though.
The biggest pro to it for me is that I am a master at producing music because of it. I have music that I make up on the spot playing in my head from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, every day. Now I produce music during my free time, balancing school and work.
The biggest con about having Aspberger's is that so many people have a very flawed definition of autism, all thanks to the internet portraying us as idiots who can't talk or walk or do anything by ourselves. That's true for people who have it really bad on the spectrum, but for people like me and everyone I know who has it, it's absolutely nothing like that. I can talk, walk, and do anything I want to by myself. Every time I tell someone I have it, which isn't very often, they say "No, no you don't." or "Really?" or "Huh. I never noticed that." Everybody sees me as just another normal guy, and that's what we all want.
So, that's me. Thanks for bringing me here, Steemit!