I Am Cc0Pics

in #introduction3 days ago

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As always, Hi there!
I am the person behind Cc0Pics, a set of social media accounts and blogs who are dedicated to sharing my photography as Public Domain with the world.

Now that I have accumulated some followers, gotten feedback, suggestions and ideas the time has come to share my first real serious long blog post with the world.
After figuring out which blogs and social media to use and how to organize this project I can finally get it out of the start-up testing phase and officially enter serious operation by writing a long full format blogpost for the first time in my life.

So let us begin and pray for making as little typos as possible!

I have realised that people on social media and blogging platforms are apparently actually interested in reading stories and information about creators on said platforms.
Considering my experience with interchangeable or mindlessly bloated content on the written internet I thought it would not be something of interest to reads if I just started writing down my experiences and background publicly because I assumed that what I do is quite frankly not interesting to anyone.
Apparently that assumption was incorrect hence after asking for feedback I realised that there seems to be quite high number of people out there who are actually interested in knowing more about the people who write and blog about their doings here on the world wide web.
I am by no mean a typical blogger at the moment but I can absolutely just write down what I do if someone cares, it is not that I don’t have a story to tell or a mission here on social media.
I have very deliberate ideas and goal in sharing my material and each segment of my content has its own background including all text posts and especially images hence I love photography.
With that and all my overlooked typos in mind I will go on to explain what I am trying to do here on the internet in general and maybe it is actually beneficial to my project or the readers if someone like me shares some background about what I am doing.
In this short post I will just tell everyone that I want to share images but I am now convinced that I should regularly post and just write down what I do hence it might be helpful to some and I actually have somethings to document, I just did not think one would care to read that.
So here are my intentions and my progress so far.
I always made images, pictures and drew things. I like creativity and art in general but I also had a very strong drive to document things in image form that would look nice or interesting or might be useful to other. Never did I think that I would write a dead serious blog post to explain my background and ideas or that I would find it necessary to just share every remotely usable image I ever made online but here we are I guess.
I did not just love documenting but also the artistic element of making surreal or abstract photos utilizing light, reflections or shooting through glass or photographing the surface of water from close up. I even took the risk of being bitten by ants or getting exposed to the digestive products of birds to get that one next best image at the best angle possible that I always wanted.
My intentions always where to take the images with whatever camera I could use and if I lived in good old Polaroid times I would have cause a rise in cost of the film hence I am a little too trigger happy when it comes to take an images of motives I love.
I am glad I could use digital technology to do all of that hence it allowed me to just try again and take an image just for testing. The small compact phone cameras out there allow the user to get the lens just closer to the ground to get that perfect angle that I have in my mind.
When I realized that it was possible to take an image of a grasshopper one inch away to see in his spectacular eyes I got hooked on doing macro photography regularly. This way the final piece in my puzzle was added. I became a person who just started loving to try to take creative or just good images of all kinds, styles and types possible and I loved it.
Over the year of using divers cameras, often not my own, I learned to even take advantage of the weird and sometimes aggressive characteristics of different camera systems like even the incorrect color hue of an cheaper underwater camera.
This helped my see the benefit in making artistic images while sometimes mixing a random style with macro art and even staged photography like when I took a piece of paper and placed it behind a snail shell in a garden to get a better view and light to see more of the beautiful remains of that once slow but amazing creature.

I will write some extra stories about why I am into some of the style sof images I make in the future probably but for now let me share why I am doing what I am doing now with my collection.

After taking images which cost some times but realizing how effective that still was considering how fast I could make art which satisfied my and some others I showed them to, I found out that even the images I made who just where lucky shots seemed good enough to be sharable. That was when I first considered sharing them publicly through Stock photography sites.
A few year later I knew about Crypto or Blockchain based social media, blogs and websites and about the virtues of open source or in this case more correctly Public Domain license free content.
I realized that there are a thousand benefits of making everything one shares online free and Public Domain. Not only am I economically capable of making things free if they don’t require direct interaction between me and the user or customer but if a “thing” is not physical scarce good then why would I paywall something for no reason? Surely I have limited time and attention to spend and if I provide a service it has to be provided to a limited amount of people but through the power of the internet and other people work and innovation I can share my images and allow them to be freely copied and indefinite amount of times forever!
Not only would it be nice to do that but knowing that I could just use some image without limitations is just something that sounded amazing in my mind.
This opinion was not just my own but I originally got the idea for Public Domain content from others who had successfully run project where they kept sharing their own collection free of charge with the whole world. This is also why I have one of the most excessive lists of free CC0 image content out there hence I was interested in their art.
I browsed through some Public Domain Royalty-free libraries of museums who hat old digitized paintings and drawings as well as ancient sketches on their websites and was blown away by the beauty of all of the old work.
It was very inspiring to think that I could contribute a little bit to the Public Domain just because I know how it felt to realized that I could help someone who is in need if free unlimited images.
That sounded like a pretty valuable proposition to me so I started researching and collected lists of be best decentralized and some non-decentralized sites and service where I could share my images for free while maintaining the ability to provide them in high quality.
Basically my lists of websites and tools for different purposes became very comprehensive and I started posting ordering them roughly based of how important I guessed they might be. I started posting my images in order on social media but also asked question and even wrote some currently exclusive article son medium which led me here.
Today after doing this for some time now and having acquired some followers and having gotten used to the different environments on the internet I am writing these lines because people told me that one some places blogging is what matters and if I can blog that makes it more interesting for people to interact with my online identity then I am gladly willing to provide these blog posts to the world, obviously in Public Domain of course.

So here I am at the present moment, writing about some of my background and intentions but still struggling to get everything into one post.
I certainly can and probably will write more about this project here in the future and I will share useful resources alongside my own images online.
I should also mention that the reason some of my images are so bad if not because I think they are good but because the basically have potentially usable value for some applications other that looking pretty. People are in need of all sorts of Public Domain images and if I can help fulfil that need but live with the fact that might might seem totally insane to post such image online so be it. This is for the users and not just myself. Reordering my collection and sharing a best of digest is always an option.
However, I will still have my next published collection be focused on just quality images hence I have enough weird pictures out there already so if you are one of my followers then stay tuned to a hundred percent higher and constant quality stream of images coming your way. For free of course.
So with all that being said I hope that this was remotely readable and did not hurt to put on the screen. It certainly was interesting and new for me to try o get my thought sin one post like that.
As stated before there will be more background info and usable material out there. My whole network of social media accounts is taking shape and I slowly start knowing which sites I want to use regularly and where to even post and share my written and visual material.
For those who want a clean overview of where and in which form to find all of my material like social media site lists, free resource compilations, blog posts and most importantly all my images on fully uploaded publicly accessible gallery sites, you can just check out my main website which is replicated in layout and content on diverse blogging platform with decentralized hosting.

I am now at the end of my fist publicly released serious long blog post and I must say it was a great experience to seriously to write something like that.
I hope reading this was interesting and gave some insight into what I am doing here.
For how I must say there is more to come and in the meantime I will keep posting images on social media just as intended.

So dear reader, have a great day.

By the way, I am a person found of the excessive use of typos so bear with me if I have to edit this article a hundred times.

Signature of Cc0Pics:
Get free Public Domain images.
Free images without copyright restrictions.
Totally free Cc0 images and photography.

#CcZeroPics; #CcNullPics; #Cc0Images; #Cc0Photos; #PublicDomainPics; #PublicDomainPhotos; https://paragraph.xyz/@cc0pics/ https://hive.blog/@cc0pics https://archive.org/details/@cc0pics https://cointr.ee/cc0pics

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