My introduce myself post

Hello Steemit friends. I am the Crypto Jedi. I was born in Scotland and although I have travelled all over the world with my old job in the oil industry I am currently back living in Scotland again looking after my Dad as he isn't in the best of health.
I am a crypto currency enthusiast and investor and I find the technology behind the blockchain interesting and inspirational. I absolutely love what Steemit are doing, its revolutionary in the social media space. Go Steemit >>>>>>>>>
I will be investing in the whole Steemit platform as I only see it growing and growing in the years ahead. The difference between facebook and Steemit is like night and day. While facebook uses manipulation techniques and is more of a social experiment and having various groups for this and that Steemit seems to be built with the idea of unity and the focus on the community as a whole.
I really enjoy the search for true history because if we dig a little below the surface we can easily see that the version of history we are taught in school and what is portraid on mainstream TV is fabricated made up and in a lot of instances just pure lies. As it has been said, history is written by the victors and driven by an agenda. What I have come to realise over the last few years is that the world is nothing like what we think it is.
I also really like psychology and philosophy and studied it quite a lot since I've been back home.
I am a huge football (soccer) fan, my team is Tottenham Hotspur. They had a great result today beating their north London neighbours 1-0 at home. Really looking forward to the world cup in Russia this coming summer. Although Scotland never qualified again I still can't get enough of it.
Another one of my loves in life is photography and I hope to share many photographs of my native Scotland. We are steeped in some amazing history here. In the photo below is a pic of the monument to William Wallace, remember the Scottish warrior from the film Braveheart.
I'm out for now, see you all on the inside.