What the hell is an UnFucker?

in #introduction7 years ago

Since @aggroed introduced me to the steem community, and has been helping me get a few UnFuckers sorted out over here, a lot of people have been asking: what the hell is an UnFucker?!"
1UU banner.jpg

The short story of the UnFuckers Group is that I knew a lot of people on Facebook, and we all had this thing in common: We knew the world was fucked up, we knew there was definitely some wild shit going on behind the scenes, and we knew that if we talked about it publicly on our "wall" or in a group.... everyone would most likely think we were insane- especially our family and colleagues and ol' high school chums.

(.... well, not me- everyone in my family and all my friends already thought I was insane anyway, so it couldn't really get much worse)

Tons of people would message me privately to talk to me about what they saw, experienced, read, thought, theorized on- all the "weird stuff" that they couldn't possibly say publicly. And I thought: "Gee, if only there was a place where we could all hang out, a place where we could talk about whateverthefuckwewanted, without worrying that grandma would have a heart attack if she read it, or that we would get fired if our boss happened to stumble across our latest facebook post..." and WELLA!!! The "UnFuckers Unite" group was born on Facebook - a "secret" (yea yea it's facebook and nothing is secret- trust me, we get it) group, where people could share, ask questions, quest for knowledge, and could, most importantly: feel free to talk about ANYTHING without being judged or ridiculed.

What UnFuckers is about is... well, unfucking what's fucked. And to each UnFucker that can mean different things because each and everyone one of us is a unique person with our own varied backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.... we all have our own focus, I guess you could say. Some of us are hard core activists, who've been working to get rid of the fuckery in the areas of politics, finance, religion, education, health, etc... Some of us are WAY into the woo woo- looking into the deeper questions of consciousness, "spirituality" (though I personally hate that word), metaphysics, and even digital realms of of existence. Some of us are just really awesome people who are not activists or anything else- who are just aware of the mass fuckery and trying to do their own part to fix what they can, when they can, wherever they can.

The Rules for UnFucker are simple, and they've pretty much been the exact same set of rules that I've used for every group I've run:

*RULES for the UnFuckers Unite Group

1- Anyone that adds a person to the group must be able to personally vouch for them- if you add a douche, you're responsible for their disposal.

2- I will curse and swear as I please and I extend that privilege to everyone.

3- If you have a problem with me or anyone in this group, take care of it in an PM and do not drag crap out into the group

4- I reserve the right to use my soapbox when ever I feel like it. If you're nice and bring me coffee, I will let others use it too.

5- I've installed a lovely pool off the back deck- anyone caught peeing in the pool will be forced to wash the dishes for a week.

6- Have a good time but respect the beliefs of others too. If you want to talk politics and religion or whatever, go for it, but do it calmly and respectfully or I will douse you with the fire hose.

7- I reserve the right to change these rules when ever I please and to create ridiculous rules at the drop of a hat.

8- You WILL show respect to others or I will kick your ass to the curb.

9- What happens in UnFuckers Unite, Stays in UnFuckers Unite!

10- Today is officially "I'm not an adult" Day!! Crayons, popcorn, cartoons and PJs for everyone!! Colouring contest is after nap time. No eating cookies in the blanket fort.*

rule #10 changes every week or so

But Fuckbook... I mean, facebook, is FUBAR and fucktarded and has been glitching out massively and to be frank the time has come to flee. To that end, I'm in the middle of re-building RTS Earth (our server imploded in December and we lost a huge amount of content and the site has been under re-construction since the first week of January), and the UnFuckers group will be moving over to our private site in the next couple of weeks and the Facebook group will be archived. RTS Earth has a forum for keeping track of specific topics, links and information, and private groups, we also use Discord as our live chat.

And that, my new friends, is UnFuckers Unite. We're a quirky bunch of individualists, on a quest for truth, with a light a sprinkling of insanity thrown in to keep things fun.

We're #unfuckers and proud

(this post has been paid for by the Cult of UnFuckerism where we brainwash people into thinking for themselves)


This is what we need :) Fb is too centralised and led by a few. I just use it to read and add some comments when we talk about actual problems

sounds like a great list to adhere to, a bunch of them definitely gave me a good 'lil chuckle, so thanks for that too! Now let's all get back to unF'in the F'ing planet! 😂 lol

What a great initiative! I love the idea of a place where people can go and say anything about anything and not be ridiculed.

Thanks for explaining what the #unfuckers is all about! Something about like minded people meaning they like to think for themselves and actually give a shit about something more than themselves is 👍🏼!

Keep me posted once it’s up and running because I’m always trying to take over the 🌍 and give it to the people instead of the bureaucrats!


buhahahhahaha!!! I quote Pinky and the Brain all the time- NICE!!!!

OK then


lolz ,you gat me read to the end ,the unfuckers,the word

what you mean 'with a light a sprinkling of insanity'? There is NOTHING light about it! We are just completely, but proudly, bonkers! :-)


Sounds like it is a perfect group for me. Let me in... lol

Like the concept. Sounds like it might be fun to hear.
Good luck at healing what you can of the world guys!

Have you created a unfuckers discord server yet? I will join as soon as you do!

I'll be posting a list of the unfuckers here on steem in the next couple of days... still trying to find everyone.
... anyone got a compass?

.............. Marco!!!?........





Still under the water swimming for the other side, here, Lol :D

rollcall: here.

yea you're an unfucker too @aggroed!!!!!! :D

love d

Deb!, finally here. (Need to do that intro stuff...) I went to the dark-side of woo-woo land in the Steemit system, but made it. Using my husband's sweet-name for me here- Debreena. laughing...

You had me at Unfucker :-)

hi daniarnold,the unfuckers sound like a good bunch.im going to check em out.

bit confused here daniarnold.your new to steem but you joined up sept 2016 and says you have 113 posts but thats not the case is it.or have i missed something?it dont take much to confuse me lol.
welcome to steem anyhow and hope you like it here

Lol @strangevision, you're no more confused than I!!! I joined in Sept 2016, tried to use Steemit, without any guidance and very quickly got disheartened and to be truthful- completely distracted with other projects... and forgot all about it.
...fast forward to Nov 2017. @aggroed, a buddy of mine, reminded me (quite firmly I might add) that I NEED to get on Steemit. and I said yea yea just a bit busy right now, but I'll get around to it.... Then in late Dec he reminded me again, and I was all, "Yep! I'm coming over!" (but was dealing with a completely destroyed server and loosing 1/3 of my content on my website....). .... then January I FINALLY said fuckit, going to get on Steemit... and couldnt' find my signin name for two weeks.
Now I'm here, finally..... yet the "post" count seems to imply that I must have posted a whole bunch of articles back in 2016 when I originally joined (and I may have, but seriously.... I cant' remember that far back, lol)... but I can't find them on Steemit anywhere!!!!
So that's the long sad story of my misadventures into joining Steemit, and how there seems to be a shitload of missing posts that I may or may not have written :D


it includes comments on the post count. You're just chatty.

oh yeh,didnt think of that.thanks aggroed

lol.The main thing is your here now and its the place to be as far as im concerned.Maybe youve been mandela effected lol.just a joke.cant wait to meet the rest of the gang.

darlin, I've been mandela effected so many times in thepast few years its a wonder that I remember my own childrens names!!!


Lol,i just watched your podcast with cliff high.He never ceases to amaze me.
How does he keep all that knowledge in his head?lol.
Im not just saying it but that was one of the best interviews with him ive seen.brilliant stuff

thanx darlin- I'l be having him back on very soon as he's seriously opened up a can of worms :D

Everything seems okay and interesting, but I don't like the rule number 7. Why does it exist?

lol @mejustandrew - that's part of the joke, because I change rule #10 almost weekly. Next week rule 10 will probably have to do with chocolate sculptures or "tinfoil hat day"....

Oh my god I want to help UnFuck the world! I am not a douche. See you around and have a nice day.

welcome aboard then darlin!!

I knew it was going to be a cult. :)

Fuck O Rooney. I've found a home. Now if I can just convince one of the inmates to invite me in....

Ilike your post

Sign me up! Sounds like the place for me, and i think my friend @an0nkn0wledge might enjoy this group as well!

Group and its noble cause aside, I really like the rules! Lol

Sounds about right. I think everyone in my profession is a member without knowing it.

Intrigued. Following.

Haha, welcome to the unfucked Steem blockchain though :-)

I wonder which rules we might define for this place here. I'd love to have such a list for the Steem community, especially focussing on a respectful contact and mutual support.

Enjoy your time!

right brand new here cuz of Dani and cuz i want in on the unfucking and the new paradigm building and this is it right here baby. appreciate being taught and tutored as i get the way figured out.

“facebook is FUBAR and fucktarded and has been glitching out massively and to be frank the time has come to flee.”

Uh hello this is so relatable, thank.
I realized a lot of the people I like and I are all just twiddling our thumbs and staring at the same old shitty content.

Glad to know more about unfuckers lol. If in future you creating a group on discord adding some new member from Steemit, I so wanted to be a part of it and I swear I won't type anything but just read whatever the fuck goes on in there.

Disclaimer: I don't have anyone to vouch for me, so I will eyeing you @daniarnold :)

I am down. Sounds interesting. Following...

Oh so that is what #unfuckers are about.. I came across @aggroed's post about unfuckers..

I would like to be an unfucker! Lets unfuck the banks and these taxes.

I think I'm an unfucker. Where do I sign up?

Apparently from your description of unfuckers, I've been an unofficial unfucker for years.

It's great to be here, still working on navigating around the place. FB is becoming a nightmare, the censorship, missing posts. The harassment with having to upload photos of your face and then their next stage of wanting a pic of your drivers licence or passport. Seriously they are like jackboot thugs and they are linking youtube into it as well. Just a few hours ago they have gone hard at it against Dutchsinse the earthquake guy and are shutting him down. They want death it seems, they want fear and the ability to control it. It seems they are in overdrive atm. It is worrying and upsetting. So happy for an escape.

I'm a natural unfucker, that's for sure...

I love it! Sign me up/let me in 😆

Glad to be here! Happy to be around people who keep things unfucked!