Hi People!
I'm just another soul in need rescue, waiting on loves sweet charity...But more importantly I'm another tortured soul that is desperately worried about our world, our people and our future...I have likely spent 3 or 4 hours a day, for years now, trying to figure out WTH is going on. Anymore How the hell do we stop it. I have always been an overly empathetic person, but these days I feel somehow driven to do something? I have racked my brain on what exactly, what can I contribute to help change the world into a better place or us all?
I still don't know for sure, but I got a few ideas. I started writing down idea I had. I wrote nearly sixty thousand words of a fictional plan on how we can save humanity and the world from the clutches of what very much looks to be perpetual feudal servitude to a group of ruthless "overlord masters" who are so demented and loony tunes, they actually believe they are some kind of "master race", destined to rule the world...
It's pure Dr.EVIL bullshit, but its real...It's a plague, a parasitic nightmare that incessantly grows in power and control over us. Leaving a trail of battered broken lives, despair, murder and mayhem in their wake. And if we cannot find a way to stop them, I believe they are within decades if not years of the point in time where there is no return for us. at least not in our grand children's life time.
If it were not such infuriating bullshit and unthinkable psychotic madness, it would be the greatest epic tale ever told, of human suffering and pending doom of total defeat to a "master race" of cruel and heartless evaders from a different world we cannot understand...
It's not a tale, they are masters of deceit in a ruthless pursuit of there goal. The goal, although unclear exactly, I am all but positive it includes a permanent control grid of power over our lives and OUR world, that we all share with these freaks.
I'm not to sure if they are alien, lizard baby eating monsters or not. But I am sure they are smart, patient and relentless...and that our current situation of an accidental President Trump may only be a brief reprieve for us, that we really might want come up with ideas for how to try to take back some advantage from them. It's only time before they will regroup and push on. They always do.
For god's sake people, they put their demented life stories on the biography channel. And we end up looking at them as if they are "great men" of consequence, and not manipulating cheaters that broke every law possible to monopolize one industry after another...the Rockefeller oligarchy started out with JD's dad an honest to god snake oil salesman, slinking in and out of towns back in the 1850's. As we all know with some luck, timing and the skills learned from a snake-oil peddling father...that particular family line of master overlords was born.
They are not special, other than willing to cheat, steel, bribe or extort in order to get what they want...Why we allow them to, well that's complicated.
Hope someone enjoys my babbling here on steemit. And hopefully we can come up with a way out of the corner they have us in!!
Nice to meet you
Hi we totally agree! Just joined also.
YAY!!! I'm not alone :)
Thanks you two!