
If he posts to YES you can actually enable reward sharing in the "rewards" tab u can actually Share the rewards its a system made by @jesta login with ur steemit username an ur "posting key" one of ur four passwords in Wallet > Permissions and BRO u CAN share the rewards now! u can type in their name and a number liek 10 percet or 20 or 1 percebtw hatever u wanan share, i did it on one of my last posts and shared 10 percet with @xpency and @tj4real BUT dont worry This guy @xpency and @tj4real can BOTH be trusted to help these new users!

But u cannot xpect him to share more than a few percent with these people, but he will! I was giving him $1 in SBD for every new person he signed up and $1 for the person he signed up too! But i had to stop the program once he startd bringing 200 people haha ecause first of al they are making ay more than $1 now so its unnecisary and just a drain on me and my progam served its purpose!

If someone in africa is not making money tho I will send them $1 but I can more easily help them with my upvotes which I can give 10 cents at 70 percet power so i can give them a dollar if tey just post at least 10 posts and like 10 comments then i can actually send them 41 withoit it costing me money
my program was to get tem excited about stemit and it worked!

I will still do the program if we hita slump and they arent making money, or if they introduce someone who isnt doing well and needs $1 to feel moiavted i actualy send more than that like to @appiahgyan who I am helping buld a Playground in his African Village ffor children to have their first ever playgrond to play on as a community...simple little projects like that , if ddocumented and alllow @appiahgyan to make posts about, he will make SO mucg money, iimagine seeing a post showing Smiling Africanchildren playing on a playground built from money sent via steemit! @appiahgyan can make a Post showing his plan for the playground,and then images of him bulding the playground and thenn the image of children coming to PLAY on the new playground!!!

That is just a Google Image search result for "African Playground" and iif we create a playground in africa from steemit mony, and we document it, and we post photos ad a video of affrican children playing on their VERY first village playground...we will make him thousands on #africa (we already got to top of me and @xpency and @tj4real and 2 more would be on top of they reemembered to use the #africa tag in theor post! @mcsamm and @ortigas100 can still change this by editing their top $1000 pst and adding a tag #africa and they will also be on top, they shoudl do thsi quick edit, anyway we can totally make THOUSANDS for playground in africa and we can keep buldig playground in every village that need sthem using this stemit model!

here is his post about abut how I helped send tthis african with money after he posted his post and as u read the comments you can see how I promise him i will send him money for wood and building materials and a little money to pay daiily wages of hardw orking peopel who can actually build something i can see in the comments i told him i will make his dreak come true one step at atime but all of it will be done, he only wants a playground and a place for teenagers to larn likee a computer lab so they dont have indiscriminate sex...because teenages will just have sex in small town when theres nothing to do and no jobs...and we can do SO much good..IMAGINE the post he makes that shows how he asked for a playground, and I sent him money even send him westernunion if he had troouble converting the bitcoin for cash to buy building materials...and id use his triip to western union office or Mooneygarm inhis village, to allow him to Talk to the WesternUnion employees about Bitcoin and crypto and steemit! or whoever is running the western union he must go to we can convince them to start a bitcoin ATM or a ad! We just need to send these africans like $100 in cash and $100 in bitcointo help them start their own Local Bitcoin dealership!

Just imagine if we setup a program to ask wealthy western steemt users to "adopt" an african or Indian or venezuelan or developing world Steemit member! I must admit that Affrica has a sort of Freedom that only exists in America! The freedom leads to chaos andu must pay for freedoom with vioelnce and corruptionlevels being high too, bbut many african countries are VERY free and allow businees people to make money without trying to stoop them with red taoe like here in the west where Globalists are TRYING to de insdustralize us!

anyway we are wiinning this epic good vs eviil strugglee and i am happy so happy knowing that I have so much postive work ahead of me!

I can make a living off helping people in #Africa and that should make alot of people have hope for humanity

crypto currency isnt just a way to get rich, it can help feed the 800 million peoplee who still go hungr everynight an u dont have to actually send them all 800 milliondollars a day to feed them everyday...they wiill pay for their own foood once they have a siimple smartphone and a month of prepaid internet and a solar powered battery pack (for those withot electricity) and outernet ssatelite routers and #BRCK devices will help us build a mesh network of evensolar powered wifi dronees that can also deliver food water mediicine and Blood to the most remote part of the planet as long as tey have Inetrnet they can REQUEST blood or food and drones can DELVER them what they need

the free market supply chain blocchain will solve al the worlds most pressing Humanitarian issues!

What I usually do is give each of them a helping hand in their first post, I give them free SBD for a randowhale upvote on their first "introduceyourself" post, I also send them SBD for a discord registration for them to be upvoted by the minnowsupport. So yes, money earned from your upvote, gets to them. Thank you.