About Me | An Introduction

in #introduction2 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody and welcome to my side of the internet! I am @food.forthought and you can call me by my alias Kaka.

Something I'd like to share about me is that I am a sucker for books, and that I am an aspiring writer. Writing has always been my passion growing up, especially because I'm quite of an introvert. With my writing, I am able to express myself better than I can ever do if I were to share it vocally. Not only that, but writing has also been a great avenue where I can pour in my heart to the people that I care about.

About how I've come to know about Hive, I have a friend on another social media app that has it. She's been posting about Hive a lot online, saying that it's a really good outlet to publish her writing without the fear of being judged nor made fun of. And that alone is really what made me intrigued about this whole thing - thus, here I am.

That's pretty much there is to know about me.

To whoever is reading this, I hope we can become friends. May you have a great day wherever you are! :)


@traciyork @lovesniper