Hello, my dear Steemians, I am Hieu Minh Pham, a member of this community like you guys. For those who’ve been reading my posts, you know that I’m a new face here and I’m building up my portfolio. For those who haven’t, well now you know. Anyway, what I’m writing here today is what my account is missing: An intro about who I am, and what I am doing here.
To begin with, I am an economics student at Foreign Trade University, Vietnam. I consider myself a pretty average student who, like many others, is largely oblivious about what I want to do with my life. Sometimes, I like to experiment with some new stuff, and many times, I fail miserably. But out of those many failures, I manage to succeed a few little things time and again, and that keeps me moving on.

However, I’m in my third year now and about to get kicked out of school soon enough, so yeah, I am supposed to know my role in society or something like that by now. To confess, it is hard for me, because I just jumped in university without any firm orientation for my future. I intended to just go with the flow, and pick up the lessons along the way, but it turned out to be much harder than I thought. As a consequence, I was pretty much a non-achiever in terms of almost everything. (Moral of the story here: Get yourself a sense of self-direction, it will save you a lot of time and effort)
Then, in the depths of despair, I fell back to my childhood memories and I found one thing: Gundam. To clarify, Gundam is a Japanese anime series about giant robots and one of the reasons why I love Japan. When I was a high-schooler, I did not pay much attention to that series and my interest only stopped at buying a HG Gundam 00 - Raiser model kit (out of curiosity, mostly). But then, having to be an adult goes tough on me and as a countermeasure to the hardness of life, my one-time childhood interest is rekindled and I have fallen in love with Gundam, more than ever. And strangely enough, it becomes more than just a hobby, but also the fuel for me to move forward. I can work harder, take failure more easily and try to improve myself, as long as I allow myself to immerse in the joy of watching Gundam. And yes, I also like collecting Gundam model kits as well. (call me nerdish, but that’s how I do things).
Back to the studying, while my interest in economics major is diminishing (I have come to realize that I am never really interested in it, sadly), but my attention to financial analysis is picking up. I find it weird myself, but it could be because I want to make the most of my last schooldays. Anyway, this is what I plan to do:
- Learn all I can from university (not much left)
- Get a partime job in a finance-related company. Actually, I am having a job now, at a fintech company named Line Century Global, about which I will specify in my later posts.
- Spend time on watching Gundam at the weekend (I intend to watch all the classic of this series).
- Save some of the money and buy the Gundam model kits i really, really like (Like Pokemon’s catchphrase, gotta catch ‘em all!!!)
For my Steem account, I will mostly use it for updating information on the cryptocurrency market, because that is where I focus my study on, give opinion on major events in the crypto world. If time allows, I may also write some posts to share about my favorite Gundam kits, Gundam anime characters, and just maybe, other stuff as well. I want my blog to be not only informative and helpful, but also fun and and interesting in certain aspects (especially about Gundam). Therefore, I will very much appreciate your opinion, all for the sake of better content.
In the end, if you have reached this point, I just want to say thanks for reading this unbearably long post, if anything comes to your mind, let me know. Let’s build a strong and united Steem community together!
Nhìn qua các thiên thần áo trắng tớ tưởng cậu học y đoc mới biết là học Ngoại thương
Làm màu tí thôi, ko có gì đâu :)