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RE: Introduction about Myself to the Hive Community

in #introduction4 years ago

Hi @strypes39 ,it is very good to see you here and I must say your introduction post to me is the best of all,which I can literally say have not really come across something as good and fantastic as this and aside the fact that it was that good that it actually got my attention,makes me feel very comfortable and I must say you have really done well enough to have to have choose to join the community,I must say that you have taken the right step ever,cause joining a community like this to me will also improve your writing spirit and it will help you build yourself the more and it interest me so well to see that you are a lover of sport,that is one of the best thing I always love to see it hear from a new commer, especially a man,ohhh,did I just called you a new comer , don't mind me,but still yet I can still say that mayb due to the fact that the post is just few days ,so let me stil use that medium to call you a new comer, back to the what I was saying,you loving sport mate,will really helps you to gel well in the community as we have alot of sporting activities that you can engage in mate.

Don't forget that I said earlier that you are at the right place at the right time and aside that nice picture mate and to me you are looking so good and wonderful and maybe I should say your look alone will be bringing more attention from the ladies towards you(lol),don't mind me am juys been funny and that is part of me at times mate,it will also interest you to know that the community will be very pleased to here from you , especially from a graduate of physiology like you and being a content curator also will be something that will add alot of value to the community,I must say the community await to see the wonder's that you have in hand to give us and mind you this is also the perfect place to learn and even teach people new thing and that is why at times I called this place a citadel of knowledge,it will interest you to know that new things are been learnt here and that is why base on my own believe the community tomme is the best of all(my opinion anyway).

The community to me has alot to offer and I want to also believe and assume that you have come here with alot of juicy content to actually add value to the community mate,I will be right here waiting to see some of the interstate content in which you have in stock for us ,do well to see for help nat any point in teimw in case you need help mate,we are all family in the community , which means you have to chance to walk up to anyone to get help , especially on things that are anot clear to you enough,mind you I will be taking my time also to still enlightened more about some things here,which inwan to below that we help you stay and engagement in the community, even duo have seen what others user's nhas said,but I just felt like their nis need to let you know more or you having those things as reminder so that you steps will be well watched and you won't.make any mistake here in the community, cause I must let you know that am really counting on you and I will be here to see what you have in stock for us.

Feel free to interact and mixed with other users mate as that is one thing that will really be helpful in the process of you engagement,cause to me as a person I strongly believe in the power of interaction ,which I will want you to use very well and aside that we have alot of platform or let me say talk room in the community where you can go into and engage well enoug,this talk room will give you the Chance to talk or let me you the word Interact with different user's across the globe ,it will also interms that the community on it own is a mean of bringing the world together irespective of ckjn color and lot more,you also have the chance to make new friends across the globe irespective of their color and skin,this community to me also will help to shaped your knowledge and understanding about life the more and I can't stop telling you that you have made the best decision in taking the step to Join .

Want to also believe and assume that a lot has been Informed you about the community and not only about the engagement alone,which I also see as something that is very paramount mate,but also about the fact that your activities or use the word are engagement that comes with lot of consistency in the community will be rewarded,which means post and comment that of high value or contributions to the progress of this house will get rewards and let me say this,that your engagement in the community should not be all about getting rewards alone,I want to say that is the only thing that can help your mind away from the pressure of not getting upvote and the likes,but do do well prove your self to the community via your own part of contribution in which you have and always know that since you are part of the house your view and takes are much needed to help Forster the growth of the community, do well to interact as much as you can and be willing to meet lot of users here and that is what the community is built on.

Aside that you are to get rewards for every of your engagement and the chance of meeting new people irespective of their beliefs and skin color ,which is what the platform will give to you ,you also have to know that joining various groups in the platform too is very important and I have to say I won't be mentioning them ,cause have seen that another user as done that already,but make sure you join and add your take on issues to and even rais issue that lead to do with life or that can bring progress to the community,I must also let you know that the platform or groups are not limited to any level of discussion as their is freedom of speech in the community,which means you have the chance to raise any topic of your own and I must say that is another thing that makes the platform the best and let me also keep you informed that you get valued for every of your contributions in the groups that you're asked to join as token of pob and sport will be given out respectively in all of those groups,do well to join and start earning via your engagement.

It won't sound well to have talk all on what you get to gain by joining the community and not let you know that this a well standard one ,what do I mean by this,it means thier is rules and regulations that bide everything activities we so here and I want to say the other user as done that by telling you all what am to say again, just like I said before ,that all this are just reminder and they are to keep going in every of your activities here on the platform,thier are things you need to know as a new comer and they are what am going to remind you about ,that the community will frown at any form of plagrism of content and abuse of tags or anyform of insult on any body in the community,so do well to always come with your own content In the process of posting content in the community, copying and paste of content won't be allowed at all and it will only brings the wrath of the hivewatchers towards you account,so kindly do well to keep to all the instructions that as been given as a guide to your stay and activities in the community.

Don't forget that your engagement is very important as that too will be one major reason to get to advertise to other people,do well to always be consistent with that and your appearance often on the platform and groups that as been given to you to join will also enhance your popularity too,I can boldly say that you have nothing to loose by joining nthe community rather their is lot to gain interms of rewards and knowledge,I must say you are welcome to the beat online class, cause of the lev of knowledge you tend to gain and have from here,I sincerely welcome you and do well to join the #hivenaija community too as it will give you the chance to meet with lot.of Nigerian on the platform and get upvote too for every of your good content and contributions.

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