Assalamualaikum & Hey everyone, I am so happy to join this set of wonderful people in creating a world that makes life better for everyone. As we all know progress is impossible without change and this has prompt me to join Hive.I must salute the effort of those awesome set of people who took a bold step in creating HIVE community so as to achieve it's set goal. kudos to you all. Now, back to an introduction about myself.
About Me
My name is mohamad fadhli ,im Malaysian & I'm the first born of the family. my home town is Sandakan & now im living at kota kinabalu sabah.
I was motivated to join HIVE in other to create quality post,meet people and learn from others. I will love to appreciate @tommyl33 for inviting me here, if not for him, I will have miss this golden opportunity. thanks buddy 😊
My favorite hobbies are photography with my best friend BB , cooking & walk at the nature . so be expecting some quality post about new invention and discovery in science, motivational post, photography and some of my food recipes. i guess 😆
there is one thing you need to know ,i very love Japan.
i like because Japan is one of the oldest civilizations and has a beautiful and diverse history. The stunning, diverse scenery with mountains and breathtaking views, which are much appreciated by the Japanese, offers so many different experiences that attract tourists from all corners of the world.
Below are some of my photography on nature and food
I know sharing some of my quality contents will be highly beneficial to this community and as well enhance my skills.
One of my favorite quote is "You may not have the best of everything but make the best of what you have" and this as always being my watchword. Bringing out the best in any niche i find myself,which I promise to do here as well. Once again, I'm excited to be part of this wonderful family.
Together we can make HIVE move greater and greater
Welcome to Hive. Tommy has some great stuff and i am glad he's helping you out.
To help support your success and to help you from making any mistakes here on the platform... i wanted to share two posts i made to help newer users do well here on Hive.
How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain
How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2
Please check those out when you get some time and make sure NOT to do the things in there it warns against doing. I think this will increase your chances of support moving forward and accelerate your growth as well!
thank you very much & i very appreciate..
Make sure and read both of those posts and you will be years ahead of where i started, if you choose to comprehend what value is in there.
yes sir & noted. thanks again.
Waalaikumsalam. Welcome! Wah,org kampung bah ni.. Sa Sandakan juga.
Hope you would love it here. And give more beautiful photos and interesting stories about it..
hai mell, iya org sdk bha aku, baru juga pindah kk dlm 6 tahun. kau masih stay sdk juga kah?
Ya, sejak 2011 balik Sandakan.. Sebelum ni aku d KK / KL keja.. After Covid , trus balik kampung. Btw, have fun here. And just follow the rules and community yang sesuai minat ko.
owhh i see, btw sdk mmg best, jln tidak jem, byk port makan. cuma sdk skg tu masalah air & karan saja bha kan?😅 yup tq for advice. kalau ada community yg boleh kasi suggest boleh aku follow.
Ya, kan Sandakan Nature City.. 😁😁😁
Kalau xda karan / air, tu trademark Sandakan tu.. Nasib ko terlimpas sdh tu air paip masin.. Skrg laku keras mineral water d Sandakan.. 🤣🤣
astaga.. punya sandi, aku tgk posting kawan2 & family hari2 merungut pasal tu air & karan. sandi owh kan..
Naa, baru hidup juga karan di rumah ni. Tadi mati jam 10am ,nasib hidup jam 1 tghari tadi. Ada juga 3jam gitu lah mati karan hari ni. 🤣🤣🤣
tidak nampak ikan karuk di menu makan gambar ko !LOLZ
I said mayybeee...
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of tampilyne
@ikankaruk88, I sent you anwakaka.. ikan karuk di piara saja .. urg semenanjung saja tu mkn ikan karuk, sabahan mkn ikan laut😂😂
mantap la lg blm buat first post dari sa lahir cni 😃
aku tu ikut suggust kawan saja ni. masih baru lagi ni.. 😂😂