Hi Steemit

in #introduction7 years ago

My main profession is as an artist, but I seem to do many other things these days: mentor, sculptor, musician, film maker, author and so on.

The main reason I looked at steemit was due to the disenfranchisement of many of the people whose ideas I have followed on youtube. Blatant censorship of alternative ideas and values. It seems like this is the place to be.

I have realised over the last years that almost everything I once held to be a truth, is just a pile of nonsense.

There are many things that I don't understand.
I am coming to the conclusion that there is very little that I do understand.
We accept so many things to be truths. We allow these things to enter our consciousness, into our world picture, A bit like falling in love. A belief in something can take hold in seconds but takes years to loosen the binds if it doesn't work out or has run its course.

I used to think that I understood science, at least followed and enjoyed main stream science and cosmology reading, amongst others, stephen Hawkings and Michio Kaku and taking a delight in string theory as a concept. When I stumbled upon the Electric Universe Theory, that was all swept away. That was a few years ago, but the Electric Universe Theory as explained By David Talbot and Wallace Thornhill in the Thunderbolts Project on youtube, makes the entire Big Bang Theory seem utterly ludicrous. Although I have not been able to go to the conferences, I have paid for the online participation if these amazing events. Just delving into the Electric Universe world makes you question virtually everything that we think we know from science through religion, history, geology and cosmology. Of course it is not mainstream, how could it be? The peer review system is a club where members view the work of other members. There are also too many reputations and investments, both financial and life work tied to these theories. How could someone like Stephen Hawking say, "Eh, you know what, everything I have written is junk". It will not happen.

For the things that resonate with me, I enjoy the work of Rupert Sheldrake, calling all the main beliefs of science into question and the interesting research that he has carried out.

I probably began this doubting process by reading and listening to the work of Graham Hancock, and was appalled, and still am at the outright hostility and dismissal of his ideas and proofs.

I love the Corbett Report and the work that James does. https://www.corbettreport.com/

My favourite author is the incredible Joseph P. Farrell, https://gizadeathstar.com/
I have never come across anyone who has such a wide range of knowledge and interests.

I think, since it is so widely used as a term of abuse, that the term 'conspiracy theorist' be used almost as a badge of honour. Why should we believe all that main stream nonsense.

Anyway, enough of an introduction. It is gratifying gradually to be meeting like minded people.

I was fortunate to become aware of Ethereum and Bitcoin when they were still, if not cheap, not at the prices that they have reached as I write this. I only have one and a bit bitcoins and a few Ethereum, but better something than nothing.