Hello all,
I was unsure how to start this off, I didn't want to seem as though I was posting to a dating site; I like long walks on the beach, etc. I am now recently married to my beautiful wife, with whom I've been with for five years, so why not tie the the knot, right. We had our Honeymoon in Aruba. Aruba was beautiful, pictures to surely be posted in future posts as I find my way around the site more and get my grips on everything.
I'm a Welder/Fabricator for a company in the United States, and I love my job. However we also love to travel, we hope to gain the ability to travel more often. I'm a gamer; FPS, Survival, Simulation, Etc. I'm also trying to get back into the art world, drawing again and reading more often. I've become to accustomed to the laziness of watching television instead and eating fast-food. All bad habits I'm sure can be broken with time and determination.
I do get to work a little bit with art at work as we have recently acquired a Plasma CNC machine. So I'm learning more about it and CAD programs, as well as a Photoshop aspect. I have a background in computing, well when I was in High School, which has been fifteen years ago.
I hope to share more with you all in the future.
I leave you with a photo I took from the wife's phone, from Aruba, oh how we miss the beautiful water.
Thank You for stopping by,
George Miller
Really like your introduction, so I also gave you an upvote.
Dig the meme, lol