Hey @franklegend if I may know, where did you first introduced to Hive? do you find it from a friend? a content?. Let me know!
~ @macchiata from @ocd and @lovesniper team.
Hey @franklegend if I may know, where did you first introduced to Hive? do you find it from a friend? a content?. Let me know!
~ @macchiata from @ocd and @lovesniper team.
Hi @macchiata I got to know about Hive from a content I saw on twitter and I messaged her @merit.ahama for an account to blog as well which she did for me so kindly with lots of instructions I'm still yet to digest.
I actually made a mistake with my introduction post but she warned that I don't delete it when I suggested to.
She is still guiding me and I hope to do better with time.