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in #introduction7 years ago

Veganism is a very dangerous thing to do to ones body.

Dr. Weston A Price proved tribes who ate the most meat, and especially the most raw meat, were healthiest. He couldnt find a single case of dental caries among the eskimos.

He also couldnt find a single primitive tribe that didnt eat meat.

Accept nature. Don't fight. Nature is always right.



You have a deep misunderstanding about health.

The body of science tells us that eating meat, dairy and eggs increases risk of heart disease, numerous cancers, obesity (and all that goes with it), and diabetes. Cholesterol is a huge contributor (only found in animal products). So are animal proteins that inhibit the uptake of certain nutrients and minerals along with growth factors such as IGF-1.

Calcium from cow's milk is prevented from getting into bones because of the proteins found in the milk. T. Colin Campbell's book which was written about his study about epigenetics and diet in China found that the highest consumption of dairy products correlated with the highest rates of osteoporosis. Shock. The dairy industry won't tell you about this because it's counter to what they're selling.

This is just one example. If you want to educate yourself, go to Nutrition Facts. It is maintained by Dr Michael Greger, a plant-based doctor, who only arrives at his conclusions first based on EVIDENCE. He doesn't look for evidence that supports his belief system. He has a team of 19 researchers and hundreds of volunteers that scour the English language literature to uncover what the research says about the healthiest diets.

While you may just be ignorant at this point, after spending a few hours taking in more of the currently available scientific information, you'll be better equipped to make better choices for your health, the wellbeing of the animals that are needlessly killed as well as the health of the planet.

Take care,

Hi Nick

Michael Greger is a known vegan propagandist who cherry picks data to support the vegan agenda.

Where's the body of evidence supporting the theory that meat, dairy and eggs increase risk of heart disease? You can trace this misunderstanding back to Ancel Keys (a crap scientist who fudged the data to make it look like there was a link between fat and heart disease).

Cholesterol: It's not the bad guy. Have a look.

Animals killed for meat are not needlessly killed. They're killed to provide meat. That's a need.

Anj :)

I'd suggest you read the literature then.

Start with Google scholar and "cholesterol heart disease" as keywords.

This is ridiculous. How could you claim doctor greger is supporting a vegan agenda? He goes of his way to promote health. His publication fees go to charities. This isn't a man on a hell bent selfish mission.

Take care.

Thanks Nick.

I have read it. Lots of it and direct from the published scientific papers. Not just summarised overviews given by magazines or popular youtubers.

I'm sorry you think it's ridiculous. Follow the money. If you do a bit of research on Greger, you'll see what I mean.

Take care too
Anj :)

I'd be happy to listen to where you think he is being paid from. Id like some links to read.

On a side note, regardless of what you think of Dr Greger, do you think it is a moral thing to hurt a person or animal?

And if you aren't plant based, why is that so?


Sorry.. I've read more of your work.

You write as though you know what you're talking about, but you are blowing a lot of hot air. I respect your opinion, but what you speak of regarding cholesterol and the need for animal protein is absolute rubbish.

Hi Nick

I'd prefer if we could have a conversation without resorting to insults (ridiculous, blowing hot air, rubbish). I'm about getting to the truth. I'm not attached to any beliefs and very open to learning.

Here's a taster for looking into Gerber. Maybe you could branch out from there. I don't have time to search all the info for you. Try or another search engine that doesn't tamper with the search results.

What I said about cholesterol and animal fats is not rubbish. You can find the scientific evidence online really easily.

Best wishes
Anj :)

Thanks for a great comment. :)

I accept nature, thus I am not consuming living creatures. When it comes to health, I had terrible health problems before I stopped eating animal products. I feel much better right now and I don't need any doctor or scientist to prove this as I am the proof itself. I am not living in a primitive tribe, I have better understanding of the planet as a whole other than people from past + their way of getting the "food" was completely different and didn't cause as much insane damage as it is causing right now.