A huge HELLO and WELCOME to Hive!! It's lovely to meet another mum with similar interests and priorities. Although I'm over a decade older, so my babies are all big now. 😔 It was actually my youngest who coaxed me back to gaming. I hadn't played for years, because I lose too much time with it and don't get other stuff done, but it's our mother daughter time these days, unless it's Splinterlands, which she isn't interested in (I see Holoz0r has already recommended it).
For any homeschooling/unschooling content, feel free to visit us at the HomeEdders community.
Nice to e-meet you! Thank you so much for the warm greeting. I think it was the same for me before but like you said it can be special time together with the kids and there are so many benefits to playing games! With Hearthstone and Gods Unchained, i've become more strategic in thinking which was never my strong suit. I will certainly check out the HomeEdders Community. <3
I see Gods Unchained mentioned quite a bit here. There are some communities too. Looks like the Gods on Chain one is the main one. It's well moderated and supported.
Ok thanks! 😊