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RE: Why I Hate Intros

in #introduction3 years ago

I have read a total of 42 (forty two) books just in 2021.

Wow! I'm amazed with your reading passion. I love books too but most of the times I got easily distracted with other things or just could not spare a time to read a book. Especially when reading on thick non-fiction materials, I got tired easily when trying to digest a lot of information and later could not finish of what I've been reading.

So I wouldn't call myself as a bookworm. Book hoarder would be more accurate. In Japanese, they have a special term for this which is 'tsundoku'.

Perhaps you can share a few tips on how to be consistent in reading despite being busy with daily life? And yes please, recommend me some of your favourite books!

Looking forward to your next blog entries!


Hello there! Great to see another soul interested in books! I am planning on my next posts and would love to make some for making more time in reading. Thanks also for the trivia, I didn't know that 😃 I think I'm also part tsundoku because I certainly have bought books that I haven't read yet!

Thanks for the warm welcome 😊