in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

Greetings and Salutations Steemians!

It is another beautiful day to have joined such a wonderful group of individuals! I can't tell you how welcome and warmly inviting my experience thus far has been. We've had people beginning to join steemit from our youtube presence which is incredible, and even more so, they are reporting the same experience!

In other news, We have started a discord chat room, AOTMA (which is short for Academy Of The Magical Arte) for those who were unaware. All of the fantastic features that @steemit has are, for lack of a better term, wonderfully overwhelming! We're blessed to have such a wonderful guide through this process (@amberyooper) who we can not thank enough. My wife (who has a strong disposition to technology of all kinds) is even excited to join and begin sharing her thoughts, doing readings, and getting involved with all of you lovelies!


As a Professional Hypnotherapist, my career has joined paths with my philosophical, metaphysical, and esoteric understandings, allowing for a perspective few people are blessed to experience. Our minds are powerful things. A hermetic magician might tell you something along the lines of "The all is Mind, the Universe is MENTAL" and this is a reality I personally can't emphasize the reality of enough.

On those lines, being that the all is mind, and the Universe is Mental, would it be far fetched to consider that since this community of steemians is really just a meeting of great minds, joining together to unite and see an improvement in their own personal reality, and in so doing improving the realities of those around us, that rather than a community of seemians, we are actually a universe of the same? Can we then consider each and every one of ourselves co-creaters in this universe, this magical multi-layered coming together of realities our own multiverses? A hologram within the hologram?

I think Yes.

Thank you steemians, for such a wonderful welcome into this universe, each and every one of you have brought a little more light into my day, and I hope We can do the same for you with our Created Material :)




great post, following.

Please consider following back if you like lifestyle and bitcoin posts :)

Hey, thanks for the mention! I'm glad to see that things are going well for you on steemit! I see you figured out the Discord server thing pretty quick. :-) I'll have to check it out.

It's quite the pleasure! And they are going quite well, the community here is fantastic, as you said it would be. I'm working on figuring it out, however it's process lol. I may need to pick your brain again soon here

No problem, I'll be glad to help.