
Thanks Orionvk! I can only think of a few things about those places and times. Would that be the start of the Russ? or more during the Golden Horde? Slavic migrations? I've recently come to realize how far reaching German tribes became after the Western Roman Empire fell. I am most familiar with the Greco-Roman world. Lately I've been reading up on the Celts. Also, pondering what was going on in the Americas pre-Columbus is endlessly fascinating.

Mostly the history of Estonia, Latvia and the merchant republic of Novgorod. I'm also familiar with the Kievan Rus but not so much with the Golden Horde.
The celts are really quite interesting. What are you reading about them?

That sounds interesting. Especially the merchant republic of Novgorod. I've never heard of that. One time, I met a couple from Latvia and shared a fire with them on top of a smokey mountain! Three books I've really enjoyed are, "The Druids" by Peter Berresford Ellis, "The Discovery of Middle Earth" by Graham Robb, and "The Conquest of Gaul" by Julius Caesar. Something interesting I just remembered reading is that the Celts(More Specifically Gauls) may have already had road systems in place before the Romans came along. That were even marked, which could explain how Caesar knew the distances between towns so well.