My first steemit post!

in #introduction8 years ago

Hi everyone.

I'm new to these on-line forum/community groups so I'm exploring slowly here. I'll keep this short so I'll just tell a little story :)

I got involved in crypto about 4 years ago and this is basically why I am here. I found steemit throuh an ICO I took part in recently and was directed here to receive updates from the ICO. I was surprised to find this was a new and growing community as most forums are old and have little time for 'newbs'.

I have gone through many experiences involving crypto from faucets to hyips, doublers and other silly choices I have made along the way. Things seem to be getting better fast now as I am finding new ways of finding good places to be and to learn. It's getting more and more exciting and I know the best is yet to come in this game.

So, a big hello to all and I'm looking forward to exploring further in steemit and making new friends. :)


Welcome, tell us what some sites that you found

Hi, thanks. I found sites like this one. The trueflip ICO was my first real big investment in crypto and since that about a month ago I've come across a few more ICO's that I might get involved in soon. Any other site before this year were just the normal HYIP or DOUBLER scam sites. I feel now that all my exploring in the crypto world is beginning to pay off. Finally!