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To find out more about the rapidly digitizing learning health care system that collects, stores, aggregates and uses consumer data for treatment, payment and operations (care, quality and research).
*However, there is little access, control, permission, transparency or discussion of benefits and risks of health data sharing for consumers.
Public policy is moving toward consumer’s owning health data
*However, there are no mechanisms that ubiquitously provide consumer-mediated data management capabilities in the health interoperability ecosystem and current legal regulation does not support
The purpose of this research is to:
*understand predictors of heath data sharing preferences of consumers,
*develop a theoretical model that describes constructs of information privacy, data security, data sharing preferences and consumer-mediated exchange, and;
*use findings to inform the development of data governance policy recommendations that are more appropriate in an era where consumers want to own and control their health data.
Are you publishing your research in any journals?
Yes, the Journal of Technology and Public Policy. Thanks for asking!
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this is great work..
Thank you! I would like to educate the public on my blog - related to this topic, mostly because we are on a slippery slope and need some strong policy to ensure consumers have control in some fashion.