My Introduction On Hive

Hello Hive Family.

My name is Priyanshu. I am 18 years old. I am curranty study in where I am in 3rd year of computer science branch. Along my study I am exploring my self
in many ways like writing blog and developing the application for the device and doing coding for the companies but until I am not doing job in any company
I want to became the solopreneur I guide to people who don't know anything.

also explore to many ways. I am new on this platform although I am uploaded some blog. Firstly thanks to @sarkash7011 who tell me about this plat to how I am grow my self in the blogger field and


About My Study:-

I am pass my 10th with 85%. and I am pass my 12th with 75%. My starting study in village and know I am study at the city. I am average student from starting.

My Hobbies:-

My most favorite hobbies is listing the music when I am tired from the study and then I take the nap during the listing music.
I like to play chess with black side.
I like to read the business book like zero to one, reach dad poor dad .


My strength:-

I am always be positive because if you face any problem then you have two way to think about the problem like negative and positive. If you think negative about the problem then you
never resolve the problem but if you think positive then you can solve the problem easily.

My Weakness:-

I am to lazy to do any work but when i am start the work than I stopped it until it finished this is my one of the most weakness.

My Lifestyle:-

Every Student Life is very simple. But my daily routine is so different . I am wakeup in the morning at 6'o' clock. after wakeup I am seeing the my class schedule for doing the class in
university if the class is necessary then i am going to the collage but if class is not then I am preparing my self to do self study . Before the self study I am creating my schedule
for the day . and follow the schedule which I am writing in it. After end of my day I am seeing which work is completed and which is not. which work is not completed, it complete me next day as same way.

Future goals :-

My Future goals is becoming the software engineer. as well as I also want to become the solopreneur.