Quick Introduction!

Hello there, everyone that might come across this page! My name is Quinlin.

This isn't really anything important, it's where I tell you the little things about me that might make me seem interesting, and where I explain what I will be doing here.
Genuinely? I don't know.

I'm here because I'm searching for what I want to do with my life, my path if that's what you want to call it. I'll be experimenting with a lot of different things. My main interests delve into writing (Which takes up the majority), photography, drawing and diving.

I'm a homeschooled/unschooled/world-schooled teenager, having lived in several different places in the past years, having settled in Malta for the foreseeable future, which isn't a bad thing, as Malta is an island and swimming is one of the best things.
My main focus in academics is writing as I hope to be an author when I grow a little bit older, but I'm sure that I might change my mind.

Quinlin Willow, age 15.


Youre welcome, put in your best, and you will definately have a good time

This is my Quinlin, jumpin' into Steem with both feet :D .... A proud Mother I am :D

love d

I hope you feel comfortable enough to post some of your work here eventually.
Following, with genuine interest :)
~AWelcome @quinlinwillow :D

Quinlin....greets...hoping that you will remember me...(maddtom) ... I want more writing...you left me with the group getting ready to forge ahead...more please

I wish I could! I lost the pdf of the second book!