let’s me introduce my self, my name is larasati. I was born in aceh . I live in lhokseumawe. I am 22 years old, my father is a teacher and his name is rusli and my mother is a housewife and her name is Dewi. I love both of them. I am second child from 3 children in my family. I have one brother, Hengki and one sister, Diana.
My hobby is playing a guitar and A drum. My favourite food is noodle and my favourite drink is tea. I have bestfriend, she is kemala. She always accompany me everyday and everywhere,
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@rama55 https://www.instagram.com/farahkharida/?hl=id Berkelas dikit jon, jangan memanfaatkan kecantikan dan ketenaran orang. Aku kenal orang yang ada difoto itu. Dia temanku dan dia seorang Polwan asal Lhokseuawe. Apa maksud introduce dengan nama LARASATI? Sorry, PLAGIAT tidak ada tempat bagi Komunitas Steemit Indonesia. DIA ADALAH FARAH KHARIDA.
Assalamualakm, we have a same hobby, plying guitar.. I''ll follow you, for still connected I hope you follow me..
Welcome to steemit @rama55,I am very grateful for the award given to me .. I will discuss it for the more successful the steemit @adenwahid
Welcome to Steemit!
welcome to steemit ! have fun!
Thank you brother..i from aceh..
Teach me all about steemit
welcome to steemit partner
Make me be succes in steemit
selamat Datang :) I upvoted and followed you
woow , salaum muturi dek
Salaum balek
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