The stories I will submit have to be prefaced that they are works of fiction. Too much is stranger than what real life should be. That's what I tell myself and that's what I'll stick to. The words and sentences will mainly come out as train of thought until I've finally purged enough to settle down quite a lot.
To get a lot of the particulars out of the way, I'll share parts of the life involved in this story. Main character is me, Serra. I've had the names for years after ditching the one given at birth. To shed the past I shed the name tying me to it.
I'm married and have two children from a previous relationship. They're teenagers so life is rarely predictable. Fortunately they're good kids and don't give me too much trouble. They've rejected the name Serra, declaring the name also tries to push them off to a sort of past without their own memories. My daughter has told me she's lost in the abyss if lost in my past. She's a bit overly dramatic but it was bound to happen with one of them. My son acknowledges the name and has decided my life has phases and he's a part of the current path.
My husband is ill. He was born with a chronic illness and wasn't expected to live long enough to attend school. Then he'd never graduate. Then he'd never get married. He'd never be a parent. He'd never, he'd never, he'd never...and there are so many things he has accomplished in his life. This year has been awful with a trip to the hospital for a subarachnoid hemorrhage (a brain bleed), an aneurysm that later had to be fixed with a different neurologist at a hospital farther away, memory loss and some motor skills inhibited a bit more.
His mother is my mother-in-law. She's a step-parent but has been around since elementary school so she's spent a lot of time as his mother. His father passed away. There's a brother and then a step-brother and step-sister. The siblings don't come into play much, but his mother is a piece of work and I've convinced myself that I'm justified in hating her.
We have cats, dogs, fish, birds and wildlife all around. I'd like to have goats again, I'd love to have the proper fence up in back to have horses. I enjoy crocheting. I love to squish yarn at the stores. The colors are amazing and each has its own feel. The yarns that switch colors along the way are my favorite to use at the moment. I've done a few projects that don't call for them and even though I like the end result it doesn't look proper with rainbow colors mingling instead of plain brown.
My mother lives with us. There have been too many of life's surprises lately for me to not have some sort of emotional backup in place. I haven't been able to lean on my husband because of his health issues. I'm happy to have her living with us. I'm probably the second-most surprised person about our relationship being strong enough to survive peacefully under one roof. We've done it before but it was "us" living at "her" place - that doesn't go well; since it is our home she's living in it goes much better. Mom has a hard time communicating when things are difficult to explain or if her emotions are running high.
We live in The South, I'm from The North. I don't see myself willingly moving north ever again.
My mother-in-law will be my main focus for a while. She's ridiculous. Hello, Steemit.
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