Hey there fellow carbon based life forms, let me introduce myself.

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

          I'm TheFloatingSheep, a nihilistic, anarcho-capitalist, atheist, anthropomorphic sheep.

I'm 18 years old, I'm an indie game developer and I currently live in a central european country called Romania, which I hate for multiple reasons.
Here's a picture of a fruit and starch eating ape, that also happens to be me a few months ago:

It's an older picture, which I took in a bathroom while wearing my humongous headphones.

You might ask "bUt sHeEp wHy Do yOU hAte yOuR owN cOnTRy?"

Well first of all, it's spelled "cOuNtRy", you missed a "u", also the average IQ here is 93 and 99.99% of the population is christian, and quite conservative, and the government although democratic, not that I like democracy, because democracy gives power to the majority, not to the people, power should be given to the individual, over their own life, but that's aside the point, but it's also really corrupt, most political parties only claim to be left or right leaning but they all collaborate with each other, there's really no intellectual integrity in our parliament, nobody's politically motivated to do the right thing, or whatever they deem moral and best for our society but they're all financially motivated, but unlike in capitalism, there's no true competition due to monopolization. In other words, my freedom of speech could be taken away any minute now as long as it allows someone to make more money. We have high taxes and high VAT although the economy is doing really bad. Due to government policies there's a monopoly on our power grid, which causes the power to go out once in a while (pretty rare but it happened last night for half an hour), because there's no competition.
I don't necessarily hate the people but I hate the doctrines that brought us to this point, such as communism which we've only got rid of through revolution in 1989.

All that aside, geographically speaking, this place is more than lovely, look at this little bud that's been living in my garden:

Or look at all these landscapes and stuff:

That was all taken within 10 km of my home with a smartphone camera.

But no, I don't live in the nature, here's my city:

Yes, the pictures are gradually getting smaller and smaller

gotcha b1rch

That's where our tap water comes from, was also in that picture with the lake I put above.

Well, that's about it.
Now that you know some general things about me, I suppose it's time I let you know what I will be posting about on this platform.

Well, as you might've already noticed, I'm quite passionate about anarcho-capitalism, I like nature but I'm also somewhat of a transhumanist and dream of an inter-stellar immortal species, AI is one of the things that will help us get there sooner than we think and it just so happens that I know quite a bit about machine learning and neural networks and even have some experience in working which such algorithms, so I'll be showcasing some newly published studies and research in the future as well as some stuff I'm experimenting with myself.
I'm also interested in neuroscience, astrophysics, evolutionary biology, primitive survival as a sport, philosophy and debating with what I consider irrational people with the purpose of deciding whether my assumption that they're irrational is right, but I also debate for sport and to find out new things and improve my own opinions and I'm really grateful for the internet as well as for encryption technologies connecting us all and giving us anonymity, which lead to this being the period in history in which more people than ever have changed their ideas and became more skeptical due to debate and the fact that everyone has a voice now.

My next post is probably gonna be about the future of our species' genetic code in a hypothetical future with scarce resources but cheap and widely available technology, and how that might make us look a lot like what conspiracy theorists have imagined "grey aliens" to look like.



Would love to see some WIDE pictures!
Great subject matter and excellent timing, just wide..

They were originally wide but I posted all those on instagram so I had to crop them into square resolutions, otherwise the thumbnails look really blurry, I suppose I'll be sticking to this platform from now on anyway so that's not gonna be a problem anymore.
Thanks for your comment!

This is the kind of introductions I like. Welcome to steemit man. Happy to follow, fantastic pics by the way, I agree with @surfoyi, hope we can be able to see some wides in the future.

Loving the pictures, but I'm following for the writing style and world view.

Very indepth post. Very strong in your beliefs. going to follow to see what else you put out. This could be interesting.

I am totally feeling your angst and anti-patriotism for I have exactly the same stance. Born in the country that sits right below your on the map, I emigrated 20 years ago with just as much dislike and hatred toward the crooked political system and lack of infrastructure and economical uncertainty.
The Balkans are a messed-up region with no real identity, no backbone, twisted ideologies and run by mafia puppets whose only purpose in power is to steal as much as they can. Most politicians around the world do that but the Balkans are right there with the African leaders and most of the dictators of the underdeveloped countries.
I for one could not imagine staying in a country run by crooks so I left for good. At least in Western Europe there is some level of responsibility and public funding that goes to the people and not just in the politicians pockets.
I remember driving through one of your villages with my parents when I was young and kids were jumping in front of our car so we can stop and give them cigarettes and candy. It still haunts me to this day. I hope that doesn't happen anymore... This was in the 80s....

I feel ya bro, and yeah no kids aren't begging for things from strangers anymore, that was a particularly harsh period before we shot our dictator, we had breadlines and all that.