You are getting into real money at a good time. Welcome to the platform. I think you will be surprised how many dollars you get for one post. Paper should not mean a lot to you there in Venezuela, but I know the word "bitcoin" does have meaning there. A bit of advise, get another digital currency - not petro or bitcoin.
- Petro = centralized (worse than paper)
- Bitcoin = digital Western Union, but more expensive and slower.
It is really difficult to find a comment you left to have a conversation. You are clearly a popular guy. Hopefully this comment doesn't get lost. I'd self upvote to bring it to your attention but I can't match those upvotes so I'll just sit here hoping.
But I digress. Just wanted to let you know you vote for 3 witnesses that have stopped being witnesses:
You can check it here:
Though you probably know better than I do.
Anyway, have fun.
The worst thing in crypto world one can do is invest in a coin after reading a Tweet or Facebook status about that very coin because mostly these coins are promoted by the people who have invested in them. One's goal regarding crypto investment must be based on the technology that a certain coin has and how that technology solves a certain problem.
@done, You're right...the word Bitcoin has recognition all our the word and even the biggest opponents have started talking more about crypto currency and less about their own shit. Nobody knew JP Morgan until he opposed Bitcoin. This is the power of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
Warm Welcome on this great platform. Actually this platform needs such newbies who can make this plate form a place of Peace and Love, Yes steemit is Family and every Stemian is the member of this Beautiful Family.Well @gabrielarondon i say you a very
I do Agree with @done as he stated;
I am sure you must have heard about BTC aka BitCoin for sure :)
Steemit is all about Win-Win there is no loss in it @gabrielarondon
I wish you a very Successive Career and Steemit.
Lets make this plateform a place of Love, Effection, Brotherhood and Prosperity together @done @gabrielarondon
May Almighty bless with Great Success always.
P.S: Thank you so very much @done for your kind words and for a very logical advice.
Stay Blessed, Steem On!
A dollar is worth everything in here, Venezuela. If you get dollars you´ve got everything figured out. Of course the petro isn´t shit, like everything the government creates. But if yo dig a little more you´ll found that Venezuela is the place where the bitcoin is more trade.
well Said @done,
I fully agreed with your worthy words and guideline.Yes that's true that @gabrielarondon joined this amazing plateform in right time and after some days she got awsome payouts. your advices are valuable.
I am also thankful to you when last month you visited my post and 100% upvoted to me, that's really an excited moment for me. Thanks a lot.
I realy appreciate your surprising visits, services and Support for everyone specialy newbies here. Stay Blessed for ever.
Would monero or dash be a better coin?
is funny read this... "Petro = centralized (worse than paper)"
We must not forget that everything would be better... if the United States did not want all the natural wealth that Venezuela possesses, and everything would be better if the United States dedicated itself to doing business instead of stealing and destroying wherever it goes.
Pues si, se notan que los tienen jodidos xD
ya te digo... ( y eso que yo hablo por hablar... si fuese o viviese allí otro gallo cantaría! )
Yes, thanks for the support :)
Exelente post.!
Es tanto así que me sorprende cuanto tienen en dinero está post.
Soy nuevo en Steemit, sería de mucha ayuda si me sigues y votas en mi blog. @Fyahconde Revisa mi contenido ... poco a poco lo iré cargando más y más.
Éxito y Mil Bendiciones para todos.
Hi @done, That's a very practical advice. This is true that BTC is more popular than any other coin. However, what many of the noobs get wrong is that the starting BTC to be the entire crypto market whereas it's just a big part of it. BTC transactions have problems in terms of speed and fee. So, it can be replaced with some better coin. So, the thing it, this is an open market and the competition is fierce. The goal is to bring a better coin/tech/solution to solve the human problems. I hope @gabrielarondon takes your advice.
Steem On!
I'm totally agree with @done's statement and his precious advice to you @gabrielarondon as a Senior. Being a MINNOW you should follow the instructions of Sir @done. Welcome to the steemit and wishing you all the best!
@done You are right the smartest ones who are looking for new cryptocurrency and have a good future
@done. Bitcoin is a virtual currency developed in 2009 by someone under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. This currency is like Rupiah or Dollar, but it is only available in the digital world. The concept may sound like eGold, although it is actually much different.
@done can you tell me about a petro ???what is petro?
will try as much as possible I try .. oya ,, I like your post, guide me deeper, if there is free time play play is to my post.
I really need your support, please vote me, thank you ..
I really need your support, please vote me, thank you ..
wow .. this is really incredible. ! but we desperately need your help my friend. because we still do not understand about it.
@done , where are your country?
very interesting @done, because today is all sophisticated, by producing a good work we will get our rights.