STEEMIT FOR BREASTFEEDING WEEK! My First attempt to make sweatshirt! Easy breastfeeding option!

in #introdusemyself9 years ago (edited)

This is how it came out!

I woke up yesterday in a stress, the night before I was hopelessly searching for a nice, worm sweatshirt to whear in the internet. 

And it was millions of them, but as I breastfeed, I dont want to pull up my shirt, showing my tommy amd breasts evey time I want to feed my child, so I needed something spethial for brestfeedong mums:)

And there they were, but so expensive....I could not find cheeper then 35 euro (more or less nice quality) and plus shipping taxes...

So I woke up with a thought...could I do it myself!

I bought some fabric for about 5 euro, two zippers for 2 euro and one acrilic pencil foe 2,25 euro :) all together

9,25 euro:)

Coping one of my sweatshirts i  made this ome! 

Made a drawing and was ready to go!

Now breastfeeding is comfortable for me and my child anytime and everywhere just for 9,25 euro!

Be creative!

Love, Margarita