I have been reflecting on some of the things I have said today, in the heat of the moment. A lot is happening in the political space in my country that has a lot of people (including myself) anxious, and in the process of trying to vent, I might have dashed some people's hopes (maybe not).
In times of despise most people are quick to cling to hope, a way of deflecting their reality. You can call it a coping mechanism--people gravitating to any symbol of hope, falling into the hands of opportunists who exploit their vulnerability. I will like to see this cycle broken. The people deserve better and can do better to better their lives.
I do not see much value in trying to bend reality to soothe one's pain. It only delays the inevitable. However, I remember at some point in my life I was in a dark place and hope was all I had. Without it, I don't think I will be here today writing this piece. So trying to actively deny people that same cushion I had is morally wrong.
I'm currently in a situation where my projection for the next 4 years seems far-fetched, and it feels like a lot of fear and anxiety. It almost feels like I'm trapped in my world of dreams, growing in my expectations. However, I have to believe in the process; I have to believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. when things don't seem to be coming together I pray because I understand my limits and quite frankly everyone needs a little good fortune to move from point zero to wherever they want to be.
Nevertheless, it is almost important to me that one is moving towards something whilst hoping for the best. Anything other than that is a delusion. This was what I was trying to address today on a national level. We cannot as a country be moving on the path of injustice and corruption and expect prosperity. It doesn't add up. If we must prosper then we should take those quantum leaps to build our democracy.
In conclusion, it doesn't have to make sense–whatever it is you want to achieve. If you believe in yourself and your goal you have a huge chance of accomplishing the impossible, and in the event, you are unable to accomplish the impossible, you can rest knowing you did something. Hope is a propelling force. It should keep up moving and not dreaming.