STEEMIT TIPS- The SIX ways you make it on the list of top 25 Steemit authors

in #introtosteem7 years ago (edited)

I just broke into the top 150 most followed authors and I'm setting my sights still higher. I have a burning need to spread the message of peace, abundance, and liberty with people.

I have 2 daughters and I don't want blue gloved TSA agents touching their privates when we fly to see the grand parents, I don't want health care keeping them sick while offering medicines with endless side effects, and I don't consent to the constant war, theft, lies, and other forms of violence waged against us by the powers that be nor do I want my daughters to live under this same system or a worse one as corruption infects more of it.

My number 1 fear is that one day my daughters will figure out how the ruling elite cause so much harm. They'll ask me "Did you know about this? What did you do about it?" and I'm terrified my answer won't be good enough. At the same time so much of my family has died to cancer. I think cancer is preventable, harmlessly detectable, and treatable. So, the policies of this elite group have killed my mother, two uncles, two aunts, injured my father, and in all likelihood will eventually kill me.

I'm not going anywhere. This world has to change, and that change has to start with me. I have message, and I'm looking at how will that message spread.

So, as I'm looking at the top 25 accounts on I'm trying to figure out how they got there. It's a great website with tons of data. Here are SIX ways that authors stood out and how they were able to make it on the list. These are listed like they are separate, but make no mistake the authors I'm going to list cross across the artificial boundaries I'm making. I suppose I could make a rubric and artificially rank them all based on personal feeling, but I'm trying to keep this simple...

Here's the list of authors ranked by number of followers-

1. You're famous and you bring and share an audience here.

@dollarvigilante is a great example of this, and it's no wonder he's in the top spot. With over 5k followers people flocked to him. His success on Steemit looked like it was an overnight success, but for people that don't know he's been in the space for a few decades. That said, you work at this for 20 years and you're likely to snag an audience. The message he shares resonates pretty well over here and with all that synergy, BOOM, an overnight success on this platform. Just makes me scared for the day when someone like Kim Kardashian finds her way over here with all her fans.

2. A healthy dose of personality and community building.

@always1success, @instructor2121, @joanaltres, @fyrstikken, @carlobelgado are great examples of community building. They broke steemwhales in a sense. Many of these people aren't following 2,000 people. They are following 20,000 people. They represent 1-person curation armies. They take in a crap ton of information from thousands of posts and resteem the things that they value in. @fyrsikken doesn't only post and interact on steemit. He's got the discord channel, supports projects, invests in people, and builds community on and off steemit. These folks are the lifeblood of the community.

3. You do something amazing and people know of your work.

@ned, @dantheman, @charlieshrem, @blocktrades are great examples of this. Ned and Dan built steemit, which this whole community is benefitting from. @charlieshrem was rocking Silk Road and took a hit and kept on ticking. His story is inspiring. @blocktrades is one of the foundations of crypto! If you want to get noticed build something amazing and share your insights. People will follow this kind of greatness, genius, and perseverance.

4. You post like crazy and grind it out.

@thecryptofiend, @doitvoluntarily, @pappa-pepper are all examples of this. These three authors have roughly as many posts as the other 22 on the list combined. The phrase of the day here is success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. I just crossed 1k posts. I know how many hours it's taken me to get here. These guys are writing stories, commenting on other posts, and communicating with followers on their own posts as full time work. If you want to make it to the top you may have to out work these guys so clear your calendar for say the next 2 decades.

5. You're an amazing author and people love your work.

@hilarski, @heiditravels, @sirwinchester, @stellabelle. I personally resonate with the work @sirwinchester is doing. I look forward to the posts. I look forward to reading the stories. They are visual, well written, easy to read, mission driven, and seem to come from a good heart space. What's not to like. It's the same with this whole group. Talented writers finding a niche that cross entertainment, purpose, and something that gets people thinking. It's no wonder they have an audience!

6. You provide a service that the community values

@marketreport @curie @steemitblog. If you're looking for crypto finance, some great new reads, or the latest on the innerworkings of steemit then look no further. These authors provide information that the community wants hand delivered to them. Do you want to spend hours finding the best gems and new stories by virutally unknown authors? No, that's ok @curie is there to help you! Provide a service and people will follow.

So, where will I land? How will I get there?

I think I'll rock out a combination (just like the above authors do). I want to provide a service for new authors through my Minnow Support Project and STEEMIT TIPS series. I want to write great articles that people smile and laugh as they read or scratch their head as they think about the posts hours after they've read them. I want to do great things like support natestate and help purchase the first house with steemit and it's community. Lastly, I want to build community. This world isn't going to change just by one person acting alone. I want to help connect people and link hands with other that envision a world filled with Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. Maybe you'll be one!

I'm announcing a witness run on Tuesday. Please support me!


Thank you very much for your kind words about my work!
I'm happy to hear that you enjoy my posts just as much as I enjoy sharing them.
Feedback and support from other community members means everything and I appreciate it!

In General for everyone trying to establish a name on Steemit, I'd suggest to post continuously, build your follower base, and engage with the community. You need to interact with your audience and read and comment under other people's posts, you can't grow on Steemit if You just post and then go offline again.

Thanks again for mentioning me, I'm always happy to hear that people enjoy my kind of content.

Very helpful post - Steem on !

Love this! I was surprised to not see my name on the list hehehe :) Maybe one day! Its amazing how everyone provides something different to the platform.

Great post. I really hope that we never see some kind of Kardashian/Beiber takeover of Steemit.

You'll never know ;)

That is awesome.
Helping Others To Help (others) 1 By 1.

I know. I was 1/2 considering putting you in as an honorable mention. You're awesome and so are your posts. I just don't want you to feel like I'm bugging you by doing too much stuff like that.

GREAT minds STEEM (think) alike.
Helping Others To Help Others 1 By 1.

Just you wait :)

Thank you for this. An overwhelming desire to be truly free and and living with dignity has shaped my life up to this point, and eventually brought me here to share it with the Steemit community!

I like your attitude!

"I want to build community. This world isn't going to change just by one person acting alone. I want to help connect people and link hands with other that envision a world filled with Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. Maybe you'll be one!"

Yes :)

Steem On

That's great. Feel free to connect with me in discord or steemit chat.

Noted :)

Amazing post aggroed! & thanks for your follow

Good luck on your journey to the TOP 25! You sound very passionate,so there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to achieve it!

TY! I appreciate the encouragement!

Thank-you for your post on Steemit Tips. I just made one week on Steemit and I have to say that initially it was very confusing for me. Each day I am learning something new. Your information will be very helpful. I like your determined attitude to reach for something that you believe in. I believe you will reach your goal. Good luck!

Great to have you on board. Consider attempting a post on the Minnow Support Project I'll run on Monday.

Great article! Thank you so much for all the research and hard work you put into it! It has also introduced me to new authors that I can look into. Much appreciated!

Our gov't, corporations, and health care industry have become corrupted by greed. The world is headed for a 'Hunger Games' scenario. My family and friends are sick of hearing me talk about these problems, so I'd be happy to follow your feed. But, I don't think you need to worry about your kids asking that question. You've already done a lot. My kids have already asked me that question, and I answered with, "I try to inform whoever will listen.' They seemed content with that.

Thanks. Maybe I'm struggling with my answer to myself then...

Great post... following you for more. :)

Always quality content in your posts. My 10th day of active steeming and it's been rewarding. I've seen your account grow at breakneck speed and that is due to the purposeful writing you put up. I have to thank you for focusing on the noobs. You have provided me, and the community, with a veritable smorgashborg of useful info for engaging this platform.

As to this post, I agree with what you've written regarding "daddy, what did you do about it?" I hear the same from friends and family. "If you know all of this info, and it's true, what are you doing about it?"

If I could start a one man revolution I would but that would be like charging a windmill. We have to wake people from their slumber and build a community that demands action and accountability for those in office.

I look at steemit as a outet for me , I post questions and I post things that I need to vent about. Steemit for me is a form of therapy.

I'm a noob and looking to find where i fit into this ecosystem, so this was a very helpful post for me. Just to understand the different things this community values. Thanks!

goes to show there's no one way to success - and the key is always hard work. thanks for sharing this useful info!


I was just telling someone here how hard work has led to more victories than anything, isn't it?

I feel being lucky is cool yet it's quite fun to work harder. To push those boundaries. And keep trying. For the rewards seem truly satisfying! :)

while hard work is the key, we live in a world where luck cannot be discounted. luck might bring easier rewards, the path of hard work is treacherous - which will sustain in the longer run?, your guess is as good as mine. Agreed, rewards earned with effort are deeply satisfying.

while hard work is the key, we live in a world where luck cannot be discounted. luck might bring easier rewards, the path of hard work is treacherous

Definitely on the same page with you. To discount anything is missing out on newer opportunities. You already know luck has its place. Hardwork has its own. Combine both and we have a deadly combination that makes us unstoppable.

hey! great post bro... i to have that same burningggg desire to wake people up to the possibilities that exist.. love, peace, financial freedom... And more than anything, making sure we are holding ourselves responsible in creating a new way so that our sons and daughters dont have to live in a world where they are made to feel like a burden... Keep spreading the love and I will do the same my friend.

Rock on dude. Earned a follow.

I know a lot of those people you mentioned, their posts, not personally, and they are truly a positive force on the platform. Always something new to learn from them while being entertained ;) We should all try to be like them!

Work, consistency, and community involvement should get you there. I hope.

Nicely written and researched, you provide this newcomer with the inspiration to persevere, put in the hard work and try to help and support this brilliant community. Thank you for your very informative post!

Steem on

Its a big part of my mission to help the newbies out! Glad you found it valuable!


Great post! I am trying to focus on #'s 4/5/6 and grind it out with content people want to read daily and also write about the things that I am passionate about because in my opinion that is the best content we create. I think many top creators are going to fall hard and fast because they focus only on STEEMIT, STEEM and cryptocurrencies themselves and otherwise have no personal appeal, not that they are not creating valuable content at this moment however, because they are. I just think long term it will be the creators who have a following of people that read and view what they create because of their shared values, opinions and interests. Speaking about the price of cryptos will only go so far as STEEMIT grows, but that is just my opinion. One of millions out there. FOLLOWED & UPVOTED because I like your style, I identify with you and the content you are creating and I share your espoused values. God Bless you and your family and good luck in the future, I think you are on your way to big, big things 😎👍🍾

Great comment. You won yourself a follow. Thanks for the kind words and well wishes. This train is rolling along. Feeling good. It can be great to be solely focused on just one thing. IF the market for info on it and the info changes quickly that can be a great track, but I'm with you on this. Focus on 1 thing to get started and branch out to attract people beyond your first audience.

Agreed. Wanna grab a beer? Hahahaha

How I wish I was a beer-drinking dude! Damn.

Haha funny because as I was tapping away on my 📲 I was thinking "...wait I dont even drink alcohol." Only holidays and Weddings. Any time I need to dance or force smile a lot 😆

Lol @ force smile. We are on the same page. 😆

Ohhh 😲 the cheek pain

This is a lesson for all. Great job.

Im just a tiny minnow hatched about about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I'm just learning to swim with the other babies and whales alike. Definitely having fun while doing it too! Thanks for your post. Following. :)

Welcome aboard Steemit! thanks for following! glad to have you here!!!

All the users you mentions are the coolest and awesomest(if that is even a word) of steemit!
@fyrstikken is absolutely a beast! Besides he is a good witness too :)

Hi @aggroed, thanks for breaking it down in this post! I just joined the community so it's great to learn more about the top authors. With enough work maybe I'll make it to the top 150 followed authors. We all have something to work towards 😉

I'm really interested in everyone's stories, so I appreciate your writing. Any plans to do interviews so we can learn more about you and other top authors?

I've tried before. i was too small. this is a good time to try again!

l have the same #1 fear as you and I admire your goal. Following you.

Thabks boss. I love my kids so much. They deserve an answer to that question that honors it.

Great article!!!!
I post the latest in the meme war and about economic new and what not. Follow me I dare ya or atleast check it out!!!!

Have you seen my meme the news posts. i put it under vietmeme.

What an intense research. Good job

A well written post that increased my insight as a novice user of the platform. Thanks for it!

No problem. hope it helps!

thx! for the tipps,
greetings from Germany.

Thanks for checking out the post!

Cool, sounds like a good way of building content that feeds into itself. Thanks for the advice!

These are good advices for all of us! Thanks @aggroed this is the way to success ;) Steem on!

Thanks! Hopefully it helps people.

I'll support you if you bring valuable thoughts to the table.

It is great. One thing, cancer is life-threatening disease. Once it comes to anyone's life, his life comes to an end.

Thanks for the tips. Great classification of the main group of successful Steemians.

Sure thing! I hope it helps you!

So cool! Congrats, btw! Thanks for the post!

Thanks for checking it out! I hope it helps you!

That's what I'm talking about!

I have a daughter myself ... I know what u say,,
My effort to help the cause these days is promoting the meshnet
A good example of the mesh in action

Good Luck; I wish I can make to the tops too :).

Enjoyed that! Very enjoyable read. Thanks

GREAT POST and Advices!!!

Glad you like it! Thanks.

Be yourself. Provide value. Be passionate about being yourself and providing value... whatever that value is.

The thing is, you can't be "everything to everybody," so you're better off simply being "a LOT" to a dedicated core of people who really dig what you're doing.

As a bonus, that's going to help you what your daughters ask that question... and you'll be able to look them in the eye and say "Yeah, but I did do my BEST!" If you did your best, that's about as much as can be expected of ANY of us!

Oh... and cool that you're setting up a witness!

Very good post...I like it :)

A post hopeful. Thank you!