Hello there!!, i'm Jonathan
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be in this great community, this is my first post as you can see, I'm from Venezuela, I was born on July 29, 1995, so I'm 22 years old, I'm currently studying systems engineering ( internships), soon to graduate if everything goes well.
I will soon be an engineer!! :D

What do I like?
I like many things, including drawing, I am passionate about art, I also love the world of cinema, debates whether political, religious, scientific, etc., where we express our opinions and so we can see / hear our points of view on any topic (always being respectful)

A little bit more about me!!
My first language is Spanish, so why am I writing this post in English ?, Well, I think it's a very good way to improve my English, I've been studying english for two years, but I still feel that I have a long way to go, that's the reason I am writing this post in English, and you can help me improve the way I write in this beautiful language, but I also want to share my experience in my country, as you know we are going through very difficult times, chaos, corruption , shortage, violence, etc. But that does not take away the hopes that one day we will get out of all that, as some say "after the chaos comes the calm" ;)
Well, that was my short intruduce, thanks for reading my first post, Ihope you liked it, bye!!
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