Igot into it back in June of this Year, sad time to do so as Etherium/Bitcoin/Dash all went up huge before i got in. I am now fully self educated on how to trade/store/transfer/invest to make big cash.
When i save some more cash i plan to put almost all my extra cash on this.
I hope to retire very early this method and will try to get other on board on this revolution for everyone to get out of debt and not work again.
Id say out of 100 people less than 1 even know about Bitcoin let alone the hundreds of Alt coins out there.
Its kind of funny 1 percent like the top 1% are rich lol. Im sure soon people will wake up and see the great fortune opportunity that is their and almost anyone can buy and sell cryptocurrency with little effort. Even if you dont know how to sell buying is very easy.
More and more people are expressing interests in investing in crypto coins and the growth rate in 2017 is miles apart comparing to 2016.