That is so brutal! I also ran a membership based rehearsal space here in Cape Town South Africa 2 years ago!
Loads of admin, little reward, time managment, you're running around while other create music and you don't. Not easy, my drummer at the time was running it with me, was cool for awhile but then we ended up getting scammed by the landlord as he ducked with one month's worth of rent and the owner held it against us cause they could catch his employee... all I wanted to do was have a stable place to play music you know?
Membership based , sounds like a Good Idea? Sorry about you being taken! I am fortunate in that I owned the premises, now I stay at my Son's place , so pretty much the same. I am considered to be a pretty good lyricist , if you know of any one who is more into melodies? My earliest posts were some lyrics I had done.