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RE: Anonymous DarkNet Cult of Team Tyler | CSTT Crowdstalking Campaign Notes

I LOVE YOU (and I’m straight)
To the point - my best buddy in the whole world just got a 1/2 payed for scholarship for computer forensics & I have been enthusiastically been trying to entice her with Cicada ( this was an experiment in home schooling, that I feel really vindicated for ) nevertheless I’m new to the Social-Engineering-Medes & dont know if you can help me help her ,on a place to start .With the Real Cicada3301 jazz - can you recommend THE PLACE to start ?- ( I first learnt about you & it ,from EsotericED . I’m more into things like AIM than puzzles .I’m an aRTIST & a Experimental Musican -so this is all so new to me but what a pleasure it is !!!
I’m so sorry you have to endure the breaching ov the Internet with the same hired F’s we thought we escaped from the TV!!! ( I was subjected to MKSearch as a child & fell for it at first - So Thank you so much for just calling them out I tried and was so harassed & booted out for object questions to the Qcult —- to them I just want to say “HOW DOES IT FEEEEEEEELLL????”)
She’s ( my daughter) a classically trained musician on her 5or6th instrument & all about math -( me I can’t balance my debit card ever since her mom died )
I’m so lost - I know eventually I will find it but I have no idea when that will be -
I really adore you !!!
We’ve watched a few ov your videos together -& she feels the same - I just am at a loss & the fact you and her ARE ONE OF GODS CHILDREN ! She’ll be going away to college this fall and I’m pennyless - THIS I FEEL IN MY HEART THAT Cicada3301 WILL MAKE UP FOR THAT - -
If not
We love you anyways - missbaby13 & DADA’Samidata
[PS: if you ever need to go to Chicago the trains 40 mins from there and we’ve got a beautiful house right off Lake Michigan / in other words are door will always be open for you / I pride myself on my perception ]