FBI launches an investigation into the allegations made by Dr. Ford. Trump expands the investigation. Meanwhile Rachel Mitchell says that there is not enough to go on to make a case.Professor Cleveland reviews the entire testimony of Dr. Ford and says that she is lying. Q post more bread, Rosenstein will resign, red October show is about to start. Q talks about treason and that people will not be able to comprehend the gravity of the situation.
Is october the month the shit hits the fan?
Yes it is. It has to be!
Thanks again, Dave for the information. I can't wait to see how it unfolds.
This isn’t going to be like April showers 🚿 bring May flowers 💐 ⁉️🤨 I mean I hope no one thinks I’m against JUSTICE , but I am against waiting so long for it . Many of these dirt bags are so corrupt that they leave a trail everywhere they go . Good luck everyone , and the American Militia is standing by in case our REPUBLIC needs help . We pray for peace , and prepare for war . No real warrior wishes for war , but we have to make it CLEAR , that we’re not going to alllow any INVADERS both foreign and domestic to take our republic without a fight . Many of us TOOK AN OATH , and we take that oath very seriously . Thank you 🙏 for your time , and GOD bless .
The truth bombs are going to pop one after the other to make a bigger impact for the upcoming elections in November. My guess is that the first one truth bomb will pop around October 14th or 15th, 3 weeks prior to Election Day.
Watch As Fake Q Anon Burns! New Board Exposes Fake Q!