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RE: Gaining a Trading Edge by Thinking a Few Steps Ahead (Part 2)

in #investing7 years ago

musical chairs "magical algos". And hey, with plenty of dumb money suckers abound, why the hell not?!thanks @scaredycatguide, and yeah, another great point. Doesn't even make sense they would have needed an ICO except to bring in one last influx of crypto cash to keep the party rolling and reboot the

Of course, IPOs and ICOs also tend to be the "exit strategy" for most insiders locking in 1000%+ returns (and often multiples of that), while flipping to foolish public "investors" hoping to make another 1000% on top of that!


Yeah, I'm hoping to possible go against the grain on that. Have a fund me and a few guys have been doing generating good returns off margin lending. (Paltry compared to cryptos but sizable against real world) Maybe one day do an ICO as shares of investment once we have a long enough track record built up, who knows.