Investing For Income... Short Term Put/Call Option selling, August 8, 2020

in #investing5 years ago

Week 3.

Step 1. What I plan on buying in the next go around.
Step 2. What I actually ending up buying from step 1 from previous week and what I had planed.
Step 3. Current and closed out positions.

Step 1.
Possible Trade 10. Roll 1 Naked SPY put (strike 305, date Sep. 04, 2020, underlying price $334.57).
Possible Trade 11. Roll 1 Naked IWM put (strike 140, date Sep. 4, 2020, underlying price $156.18).
Possible Trade 12. Sell 1 Naked IWM (strike 140, date Sep 4. 2020, underlying price 156.18).
Possible Trade 13. 1 buy/write PM (strike 72, date Aug. Sep 4. 2020, underlying price $77.50).
Possible Trade 14. Buy to Close 1 COP put (strike 35, dated 8/21/2020, underlying price $38.30)

Step 2.
Previous week planned trades.

Possible Trade 7. Sell 1 Naked SPY put (strike 300, date Aug. 21, 2020, underlying price ).
Possible Trade 8. Sell 1 Naked IWM put (strike 135, date Aug. 21, 2020, underlying price ).
Possible Trade 9. Roll 1 call to IWM (strike 135, date Aug. 28, 2020, underlying price ).
Possible Trade 10. 1 buy/write PM (strike 72, date Aug. 21, 2020, underlying price ).

Completed trades:

Trade 7. Sell 1 Naked SPY put (strike 305, date Aug. 28, 2020, underlying price $329.24) for $174.
Trade 8. Sell 1 Naked IWM put (strike 138, date Aug. 28, 2020, underlying price $150.36) for $110.
Trade 9. 1 buy/write PM (strike 72, date Aug. 28, 2020, underlying price 76.83) for $7681/538.

Step 3.
Trade 1 Closed.. Bought 100 shares for $14604 (correction). Sold 1 Aug 7 Call @ strike price 135 for $1213. Max profit Potential $109. (Stock market price 146.04) (Buy/Write). Sold at $13,500/Expired $0. Profit $109
Trade 2 closed. Sold 1 PM Aug 7 Put @ strike price 72 for $55. Max profit is $55. (Stock market price 76.10)(Naked Put). Bought at $12. Profit $43
Trade 3 closed. Sold 1 SPY Aug 7 Put @ strike price 300 for $113. Bought 1 SPY Jan 21 2022 Put @ strike price 260 for $1700. Max profit $113 (Stock market price 324.87) (Option Spread). Bought at $62 (correction). Profit $51
Trade 4 closed. Sell 1 Naked SPY Put (strike 300, date 8/15/2020, underlying price 322.29) for $130. Bought at $59. Profit $71
Trade 5. Buy/write IWM (strike 135, date 8/15/2020, underlying price 146.46) for 14604/1213
Trade 6. Sell 1 naked COP (strike 35, dated 8/21/2020, underlying price 39.52) for $48