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RE: Buy The Crash If You Dare

in #investing6 years ago

It’s important to look at past crashes to predict future crashes, but they each have a life of their own & will always surprise those who think they know.

That being said, this particular crash on the horizon could easily fall 50% or much more based on the debt can being kicked down the road & filled up on the way.

There is also a possibility Of a hyperinflating dollar which could shoot the markets up beyond anyone’s grandest predictions, but we will have a host of other problems happening at that point.

Crash it first, buy up all the assets, then sink the dollar & watch the US & global economy unravel. Seems like a good plan for the elite


I hope gold miners and cryptos can give some protection from "hiperinflating dollar".

But it is also possible, i.m.h.o., that the dollar will skyrocket in a positive spiral. All debtors are suffering from high dollar interests -> repaying dollar debt if they can -> buying dollar -> dollar surging -> even more actors repaying dollar debt -> even more dollar strength. Like by the Swiss francs 5-10 years ago.

That is a very possible feedback loop. We are at one of the most interesting economic crossroads in history imo, anything is possible. I’d love to see goldminers catch fire, they will soon enough!