Hanhwa Chemical - leads solar industry

in #investing7 years ago (edited)

Hanhwa Chemical - leads solar industry

http://hcc.hanwha.com http://dart.fss.or.kr/dsaf001/main.do?rcpNo=20160516003346

As you can see though the first article on this blog (https://100mstocks.blogspot.kr/2016/08/solar-power-takes-100-energy-in-future.html) I definitely believe that energy resource will be 100% replaced by solar power within 10 - 20 years. So I recommend you to buy companies stock in solar industry. Among those companies I've been carefully observing Hanhwa Chemical.

Let's see the revenue structure.
What have you noticed in the table above? I want to point out that Hanhwa Chemical earned much increased money in the solar deparment.

Let's see the revenue structure in more detail.
The earned money from Hanhwa Q Cells already over reached 30% of total sales. The growth curve is very stiff. So I think the stock price would reflect this growth curve soon, and consequently the stock price would go into increasing status.

Hanwha Chemical also has other reliable departments and will soon solar department will give wings to Hanhwa Chemical.
