JVM - a company for auto-pharmacy dispensing systems

in #investing7 years ago

JVM - a company for auto-pharmacy dispensing systems

http://www.myjvm.com http://dart.fss.or.kr/dsaf001/main.do?rcpNo=20160512002259

JVM is a company that has an active role in the pharmacy automation market. This company does a business to hospitals and pharmacies around the world exporting products to 33 countries.

JVM makes and sells several types of auto-pharmacy dispensing systems: automatic tablet dispensing & packaging system (ATDPS), automatic tablet & powder packing system (SEMI-AUTO), automatic medication inspection system (VIZEN), automatic tablet registration system (T-mate), and fully automatic dispensing and cabinet system (INTI Pharm).

ATDPS - automatically classifies, distributes, and packs drugs linked with a pharmacy computer system.

SEMI-AUTO - allows from single dispensing to complex dispensing with tablet and powder depending on user options.

VIZEN - automatically checks dispensed medicines to make sure if the prescription is safe and correct.

T-mate - is a drug registration system for comparing standard drugs on VIZEN and is possible to be used as check and drug information on VIZEN.

INTI Pharm - is a fully automated dispensing cabinet that automatically dispenses necessary prescribed medications to each patient.