
:D I was going to mention the RSL but only Australians will understand :)
When I was a kid, it was decent place to go to eat and great for the old people to talk their stories. Do they have pokies in there now?

What's happened in my town is that they've reduced the number of eating areas to make more room for pokies. It's absurd the number of them we have here. I heard off the grapevine that each machine can generate $40k per year.

Pokies have also killed a lot of the live gig scene and subsequent up and coming bands because they have nowhere to play as the stages have been replaced by pokies.

😱 Moral of the story. Invest in poker machines? Maybe someone should write a Steem blockchain slots game 😂 @kryptogamers

For those counting, those 8900 machines in 25 most profitable clubs is 890,000,000 - almost a billion a year AU. That is about 10x the entire market cap of Steem.

There are 200,000 machines in Australia. Do the math.

Wow. It’s legal all over Australia? Or just in special clubs, for adults I assume?

Just for adults in Australia in general, places that serve alcohol like pubs, clubs, casino. In Finland (where I live now) it was only recently that they raised the age from 15 to 18 for slot machines.