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ETH 42.5%
BTC 23.51
DASH 10.10
ICN 3.1375
SNGLS 2.29
ANT 2.04
DGD 1.98
BCAP 1.39
MELON 1.26
ETC 1.20
GNT 1.17
SWT 1.11
TKN 0.75
HMQ 0.71
ZEN 0.45
SBD 0.28
XMR 0.21
HEAT 0.16
TIME 0.15
LTC 0.06
WINGS 0.04
RLC 0.03
REP 0.03
ZCL 0.01
SC 0.01
SJCX 0.0057
CREDIT 0.0007
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Thanks for the info, not holding steem? :)
pretty sure he has like $10k of STEEM or Steem Power, we saw it in a video the other day
He has just over 5,500 SP, I was nosey and checked his wallet ;)
SBD and I can see that SBD was transferred from his Steemit wallet to Bittrex 6 days ago.@inventor16 @nanzo-scoop He is holding 0.28% of
It's on his wallet, 288.128 SBD transferred. That means if 288 SBD considered as his holding leaving the SP he had.
If my theory is correct, according to his portfolio basing the above calculation...
0.001% of his portfolio = 1 Dollar.
that implies 42.5% = 42,500 Dollars of ETH he is holding now. That implies other coins he is holding.
All these are my assumed calculations. Any one please correct me if I was wrong. I love to learn more.
Hey Omar, great video as usual. Heads up, as your Steem/ SBD wallet is public it is simple for people to use the info you've given here to work out the approximate worth of your whole Crypto portfolio (with a little reverse engineering). Not sure whether that's what you intended!
I was thinking the same. Base on my calculation he should have about USD172k worth of coins and 220eth . Nice Omar!!! Did I guess it right?? LOL
So in a purse not everyone will go to look, but everything is painted clearly
I've always been curious about this. Wish we could invest in Crypt0's crypto mutual fund! Maybe someday...thanks for sharing.
Yes we SHOULD have a utual fn for steemit users! we can have a slider to basicaly make it More tech based or more service based or more eth or more btc based like we could have a bunch of packages or whatever to be more havily investd in different sectors we canORGANIZE alll the crypto currencies into ddifferent catgeories an vote on which gos where and what catgeories should be!!!!
we cando it all over steemit too! use comments as ifferent crpto currencya nd peopel upvote on whatever they think should be top or whatever so many possibiloty!
YES a mutial fund is the next step!!! let people pay with PAYPAL and shit and givethem a etherem or counterparty or bitshares tokento let them see what they own etc we coul do it all private an closed system to amke it easy at first just let peopel give us money and we ivest it and when they wana withdrwl we manually withdrw their money but eventualy make it super transparent etc with ethereum smart contract an shit we ne fulltime dvelopers teach agricans to develop blocchain stuff for us get em specialized intod fferet ssklls have one guy expert in one part of grapgene and aotehr guy expert in java and ya have programming laguage colleges all around the world teaching over steemit toop homework scores get most steem and upvotes etc!
Hopefully once ICONOMI is up and running Crypt0 can set up a fund(DAA) there for us to subscribe to too!
I will always keep my biggest part in BTC. BTC is an solid investment and store of value and the alts are speculation / hedge.
Steem Power is a different story, next to an investment it is a tool to get more from your activity on Steemit. More money and satisfaction as well!
But the violas can grow 100 times. A bitcoin - every 2
For me, I hold most of my crytocurrencies in bitcoin and ethereum. Bitcoin is gold!!! Ethereum is like steel. It underpins a lots of the new digital economy.
Looking at litecoin and ripple. They would be useful in the future if bitcoin and eth become very expensive
Steem will be big. It let you earn by just posting comments like this 😄
Great post I gave you a follow!
no UBIQ! :( ...bummer
I love ICN token, wished I could have spent more on ICN when it was still 2 dollars just like last week
I wish I bought more too. I put $100 in about a month ago. Ugh.
I am considering selling off a ton of my coins (too many to manage) and putting it all into ICN. From there will just manage my HODLs.
Excited for August when it launches? It feels like it's never going to consolidate.
They are gonna release the Q2 report at the end of august. I thought that was the reason why the price went up and that's why I bought
Hi Omar, I just bought more steem on bittrex and loved the power up. Upvoted you and your other videos. Thumbs up
Yes ! i was gonan tell u to never leave steem onbittrex ALWAYS power up with any steem u buy! never leave it onn echange when u can be earning money of it
and by the timeu piwerdown in 3 months stem will be worth $8 or $10 or more
Haha loving my steem power and I will be buying more!!!!
Dude you have some strong voting power. For that reason im gonna follow and hope you have good content :D
Thanks I will vote for you whenever I see your post
Thanks man, (and to all others) he really has an awesome blog!
Wow, spreading your risks. Managing the portfolio looks like a headache but I guess only when you are making a loss.
Nice having your portfolio majority in Ethereum. It has huge ..wait massive upside! I'm roughly in in the same boat you're in dude. I don't own as may different coins because they're not supported on my hardware, but hopefully they will some day! Thanks for sharing some great insight as always brotha man👍
Is it a good idea to buy many different coins? I know that the risk to lose much money is lower but isn't it enougth to invest in 5 altcoins?
True, a large majority of these alt coins won't exist in a few years time.
So what is your master plan?
So what is your master plan? 😜
Nice portfolio.
Man I love your videos but can you try to keep them a little bit shorter please?
Sometimes it looks like you are trying to make us spend most of our time looking at your face haha!
Not that you are an ugly fellow, just my 2 cents!
Great job on your channel by the way!
wish I had capitalized it when it dropped to 10 cents, could I have put a buy order at 10 cents?
Stack that ETH
man, you're widely invested! Why so little REP shares?
REP seems interesting I think holder more would be smart
I'm looking forward to the platform, when they release it this summer I think its gonna be huge!
I'm bullish on Hmq
Digix sounds exactly like Goldmoney a.k.a BitGold.
I originally wanted to invested in Bitcoin last year but was turned off by the fact it was not backed by anything. Then I found out about Goldmoney about a year ago and was so impressed that I joined and was very happy until I kept doing my Homework and research.... There's nothing wrong with Digix or Goldmoney or anything like this but if you truly value your money you will soon see why this technology will be like pets.com
The reason no one jumps into Bitcoin, is because it is not backed by anything... like fiat. So the only natural choice is gold and silver... but as we all know these are only hard assets... So at first an idea like Goldmoney sounds amazing! Holding your real money (gold) and using the blockchain, best of both worlds...
Thing is, the whole point to holding a Bitcoin or an actual silver coin is the fact that no one stands in between you and your asset. So therefore even though Digix or goldmoney sound like a great idea they are not. When the turd hits the fan, whoever is holding your gold also has mouths to feed, and they wont think twice of taking the gold of someone they've never even met before, knowing full well that your claim will go in the same file as those putting in their respective claims once the banks liquidate their funds.
In fact if you think Bitcoin is slow, these are even slower and have to interact with the banking system. But you can hold/buy/sell bitcoin or a silver coin and remain anonymous. Huge difference.
If the whole system goes down, we have gold and silver to hold us until the system comes back up. if it doesn't go down, then we have bitcoin and ethereum. But if you think that some corporation is going to actually hold on to your "gold" while the financial system is rebooting then you must be smoking some really good pcp lol
In my humble opinion one should acquire physical gold and silver as insurance, as a real 401k, which can skyrocket in price tomorrow or in a decade.
If you want to invest in the future and be part of a revolution that will change the world far greater than the internet ever did, then invest and start using bitcoin. Bitcoin will be the "dollar" of the future. So buy now before it's too late.
The point is i made this discovery all by myself by actually using the technology myself. The reason I took everything out of goldmoney and put it into bitcoin, was because not only is it faster and easier to to use my Bitpay card, But i quickly realized that bitcoin is just a replacement for fiat. It is not gold, or silver, or even the actual blockchain. But what it is, is a fungible store of value. Bitcoin will destroy the banking system, just like youtube destroyed cable, and so on....
So to sum it all up have Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. They will never fail you.
As for every other cryptocurrency just invest in what you actually believe in, that way if it fails you wont feel so bad, but if it succeeds then you can truly reap the rewards. Any other currency, ICO, or token after that is literally a gamble, don't expect to beat the casino.
Hope this information was useful. We are living in some amazing times, and we should all be constantly learning from each other, and continuously expand our minds with constant knowledge from all sides. We can become millionaires or lose it all with just the click of a mouse....
Good luck out there everyone!
Hi @crypto, wondering waht do you use to see all your percentages, do you do it yourself or is there a wallet or program that does it for you? Also I know in your video you went into detail on why BTC is not your #1 but wondering how much the hard fork really has to do with your choice, and is it something you recently starting selling because of the proposed hard fork?
Great Video! Just got my steem account improved, excited !!
Thanks Crypto, excellent content as always. I was 100 % ETH for a long time and started to diversify after its enormous growth. I currently hold also XBT, HMQ, TKN, IOT, XRP, GNT, WAVES, STRAT, SWT, XEM, ICN, ANT, MLN, SNGLS, XLM, BOS and obviously STEEM. Probably too many, but it is virtually impossible to be properly positioned in markets which are still their embryonic stage.
Very good . Diversification is the key as most are volatile . Also read: The fears in Crypto currencies : Etherium downfall to 0.10 USD : https://steemit.com/steem/@charles1/the-fears-in-crypto-currencies-etherium-plunge
Eth 60😶
Btc 15
Steem 5
Ltc 5 😎
Strat 2.5 😭
Dash 2.5 😁
Rep 2
Xmr 2
Etc 2
Xrp 2
Dgb 1
Dcr 1 😁
Thank you for sharing this information!
Very interesting portfolio with a lot of lesser known coins. I feel like you use BTC and ETH as an anchor for your wallet and use the rest in risky investments that have potentially higher returns. Any ways love your work and watching your videos, they are very informative and helpful.
Litecoin made some really interesting progressions and could be a true winner if 1.8. will be a Desaster for btc.
Hey I love your Videos! Lots of great information!
This is my current portfolio
Apart from this I am holding about 100 pivx...
Nice, I have a similar distribution, but you shouldn't have to hold it almost entirely on polo.
I am lending them on poloniex so I keep them there..
Then you don't really have a choice. I have never tried to lend, is it worth? Is there a big turnover for that?
its not much turn over actually... but its better to lend it and have some small income rather than having it idle somewhere...
Your going to get burnted holding all that on an exchange
yes i understand the risks... but instead of putting it in some cold wallet I can lend it on poloniex - that way I make some income...
Verry good as long as u are aware carry in :)
very good......
Awesome to see another HEAT supporter. I am long on IOTA as well though I have yet to buy in. I think it will still drop further considering it hit the exchanges at 4X what it was trading for on Slack just prior.
Thank you SO much Crypt0! I upvoted you! I appreciate your post. Have a great night!
Very nice portfolio bro.
you should look into Musicoin!
hey cool musicoin souns cool! good name! i can only imageine what it does! how about fractal coin! someone mae it but it could be cooler its justa bitcoin clone no uses bt as "money transfer' which it really isnt but u can trade it for btc on cryptsy r whatever but ya u cantotaly create some amazing ATh based coins that have to do with math and geometry or music and FRACTALS like electric sheep screen savor that uses distributed com0uting to reder amazing HD fractal videos in 3d! we could incorpoerate grid coin etc and seti @home folding at home ethereum golem render farms its all so eciting
I always knew you were diversified but wow what a list lol! :) I found this video super interesting, thank you!
Thanks for sharing, always interested to see what others are holding. I too have been a holder of BTC, LTC and ETH for the last 18 months. Its been a great ride up this year. Still holding! also added a few more other coins in smaller amounts this year, like stratis, etc, dash, zec. Still looking to add steem though haha.
thank you for such valuable information keep posting
liked and subscribed..kindly follow me back..
In this comment section: people wondering why their favorite alt is not included in Crypt0's portfolio..
Very nice ! To the moon and God speed!
despite the crash yesterday you still hold ETH?
Thank you, I just upvoted and resteemed, I've already subscribed to your channel. Do you have any video on Steem voter?
I see you are missing Lisk there.
Have you looked into it yet or are you not interested?
No steem?
im glad you are supporting so many promising altcoins!
there are mANy altcoins that need support like golem siacoin and storjcoin and all the blockchain as SERVICE apps and coin they all have huge potential!
and @crypt0 u MUST become a steemit ambassador to crypto world! u need to make STEEMIT CENTRIC videos!
u NEED to do a fuckinHUGE campaign where u just APPOINT YOURSELF the ambassadro for crypto currency in your area and u have HUGE influence over youtube with MANY MANy people on youtube into crypto currency! MANy ofthese peopel will have money soon! money to spend! and we will have gained theeir trust!
u can go on the nEws and defend bitcoin and steemit and promote it everywhere u go! u should make stemit cetral inyour youtube chanel from now onnd watch steemit embrace your chanel alll at once! like how we id for @craig-grant
I like the idea of veritas but it seems verry low developments and alomst noting there... See here my Steemit post about it.
Thanks for another great video. I have been watching your video on youtube for a while now, but just joined Steemit recently.
Followed! 👍
Good informations....
Good portfolio
I have not calculated mine but my main bags are as ;
Find it really interesting to see the percentages and what the reasoning behind it is. Times ago i was like, invest in bitcoin and then just hold. All alco's have to fail in the long run, because why would anyone use anything else, if btc could do the same. But i changed my opinion.
Mildly sad. I was expecting more diversity. Where's the Dogecoin?