Xcoins is NOT a SCAM! Calm down and STOP spamming on my post, i selling bitcoins through Paypal for nearly one YEAR and nothing is happen, same other people. They banned you because you got too many chargebacks, because you dont know how to verify people on LocalBitcoins or how to won any chargeback...) they suspend your account because your activity is "too risky" it can happens also when you selling other things both virtual and real. But first they will send you a warning if you agree with this its ok, but in otherwise they must protect you from this "high risk business". If you have verified account, not "stealth account"/"Anonymous" or something like that - no one will suspend your account for 180 days without any warning, you just fucked up this, because you probably played with paypal and that`s why they block your account. Go on the xcoins forum get invite to the official xcoins slack channel and learn something from the Xcoins community.
Summarizing: I dont like Paypal, but if you know how to sell through Paypal, you can get nice income from this activity without risk, due to chargebacks, we have such a high percentage of margin. And remember Xcoins will give you a 50 % profit margin guarantee.
No paypal is not in the warning business, they are in the risk management business and cut their losses by cutting you off. Yes I got "CHARGEBACKS" that happens.. so tempting to just call the credit card and say it was not me. Also XCOINS WILL NOT HONOR PROFIT MARGIN GUARANTEE. I know that for a fact and can prove that without problem. I think my ending percentage was like .003 percent or something after 10k traded and getting my account closed. I been in the game a while. More than likely I have been there done that on whatever bright idea you have. Also I had a established businesses account of 10 years of age that regularly transacted monthly amounts over 20k with my other businesses. .Paypal did not give a fuck and closed it down.
Also and very ironically, your asking me stop spamming spam.. lol.. Pot meet Kettle, Kettle meet pot..