Aside from the shit posters who clutter Steemit with their embarrassing bot quotes and/or outright stupidity that make them look like idiots, who else is in trouble?
STEEM started the same time period at ~$1 and BitShares at ~5¢. I’ll let you check today’s price, do the math and report back with your idiot bot, or clueless brain, on just what that means, and with your conclusion about just who’s in trouble.
Edit: Just to be sure there's no confusion, I'm talking long term here, and in no way am I suggesting either directly or indirectly that selling might be recommended at this stage - one must wait for a bounce before selling the dogs, I would think anyway, but the opportunity cost of waiting on the dogs to bounce could be significant. In any event, everyone must make their own decisions, hopefully with previous deliberation and preparation, following solid money management and risk management balanced portfolio best practices buying low and selling high, but sometimes we all find ourselves a little off guard and we need to decide when to cut losses too. Personally, I'd be waiting for a bounce to sell into, but I wouldn't be expecting too much short term out of those who are in trouble long term, and I might even be preparing myself to stomach even lower lows first.
STEEM and Bitshares also got upgraded in the most recent Weiss ratings, which people seem to be overlook. BTS moved into the green to B+ from C- and STEEM moved to B+! Both are now in the top 6 of cryptocurrencies.
But naturally DASH is the way to go with its C+ rating...
STEEM, with a B+, is the #1 ranked cryptocurrency in the world.
Let's let that sink in!
And BTS, with a B-, is tied for #3!
In the world!
I think STEEM is going to 100,000 SAT sometime soon.
All the signs are there! Everyone will have only themselves to blame if they miss this train...time to buy more on the dip!
hahaha stupid bots! I'm glad to see steem so strong and resilient among a sea of weakness!
Rule #1: Never trust a bot
Rule #2: Never trust people who post damn signals for upvotes
Rule #3: Trust STEEM, it's stronger than almost most of other cryptos
Rule #5: Always attached with Rule #1, #2, #3, #4@cryptographic, Rule #4: If you got a free time, never miss @cryptographic's posts.
Haha, of course most of the cryptos are much higher than few months ago, I guess that three months ago the entire market cap of crupto was less than 200 billions. Now it is over 400 so it is clear that some coins more than doubled their value while Steem is doing even much better!
Thanks @mejustandrew. You get the first real-person-with-a-working-brain to post award!
Yeah, STEEM and BTS are still many multiples above where they were at the beginning of November, happily!!!
Thank you! I thought about it and we should be happy that there are a lot of people who panic sell and do not understand exactly how this economy is going because these are the people from which you are able o by when the market is down, and which we are able to sell to when the market is high.
At least this is how I like to think about it :)
It all started in november when tether, bitconnect and ripple started to pump, now we are back to prices of 3 months ago, luckily steem and bishares have gained allot of new users, adding allot of value to the platform :)
I think the market is going to smarten up after this correction and start investing in real use case coins that have proved themselves, like steem bitshares and eos. There is way too many coins with huge market caps with no use case or are years away from being anything other than hopes and dreams. I like to call it stupid money, I won't follow that crowd lol
Did you notice one beautiful thing in this red market ??
Even after the front line coins in crypto market went red significantly, STEEM did not suffer much and if you look at the chart then it is holding well above the 200 EMA in daily and the 30K satoshi is still holding.
Then what does that mean.
We can certainly say that steem is pretty firm and if in a red market it can sustain its price reasonably then just imagine what would be its effect in a bull market.
And recent Weiss rating upgrade of steem really says much more than just rating. I am still saying that steem is at good level to buy now, just go for it.
Thank you @cryptographic and Have a great day.
Walk me through the significance of these patterns. Essentially a full retrace => bearish (market perceives them as having no additional/lasting value)? I honestly wanted to see a -hair- lower on BTS, because greedy.
I place some value in LTC simply as a beginner’s alt (Coinbase newbies), but that’s playing more of a psych game.
How do you define a third-gen crypto and what do you look for (since classic BTC doesn’t do it for ya)?
I continue to believe that now is the best time to replenish your stock of crypto currency. This is not the first rate jumps for my memory, I'm in Steem for a long time and I'm more pleased that it was added to Binanse and it will be accepted by Austrian airports. Oh, yes I almost forgot about the symbolic rating of the crypto currency, which we are in the top 5.
@cryptographic laying down the law! Respect.
The bounces in steem and bts have been like clockwork. We are at a critical juncture in both charts, where price need to hold and bounce, otherwise the uptrend could be broken. I went to sleep last night thinking, "here we go again... Trading below the trendline again", only to wake up to a nice bounce back above it.
Not going to lie, it's still a bit stressful waiting to see whether prices will break up or down. While I'm long term and am ready to stomach even more downside, the testing of support levels are nerve racking although the outperformance of steem and bts compared to the others have boosted my confidence. As for the other alts I'm holding, I'll need to come up with an exit strategy for my swing trades that have become longer term investments due to not even considering this scenario as I got caught up in the fomo.
Hey @cryptographic, thanks for the post. While I'm clear on the message re Steem and BTS, I can't understand why the tone of your post has surprisingly changed. All previous posts from you were more than friendly and nice. This one looks a little bit tough. Although I understand that bots and people hunting for the comment upvote might be annoying, but you've been right in the same situation during all recent posts. Has smth seriously changed? Am I misinterpreting this post emotional background? I just want to understand your postition on things that are going on is STEEM community (your opinion is main authority for me).
It's an in-your-face post (with embedded content of value that bots can't read or understand). It's meant to be direct and harsh. Sometimes you've got to ruffle some feathers. Not all the "idiot" posts are bots! If people don't realize the harm they are doing, how can they possibly change? Sometimes you've got to be direct, even if it hurts. And you can help ease the pain by "focusing" mainly on the "bots".
I'm going to start campaigning for a BLOCK function for Steemit - we should be able to moderate our own posts and ban unwanted users!
PS Don't read too much into it - just took advantage of the underlying subject matter - self-inflicted stupidity - to vent some of my irritation with so much nonsense. Lots of plays on words, metaphors, and indirect commentaries involved too. Just me, just today, saying WAKE UP!
Steem is behaving differently compared to many other cryptos. It is holding firm support and even building a nice daily bull triangle! With steem, you know the real value is the great community behind it!
As for those bots, they be like:

Get the hell outta here! that's the funniest damn clip I've seen all day. The head is rolling' all over the damn place. Ha! brilliant! @nzfxtrader
I am miffed that my limit buy on Binance (was set to 0.000028) just missed it by 1cent during the massive capitulation dip. Think this is a carry over from playing poker where you try to squeeze the best "value" out!! Or just being a terrible trader lol.
Good to see that graph HR! The silver lining from this correction is two fold:
*Seeing the difference in fundamentals which tend to hold stronger compared to those without, i.e. shitcoins
*All the bots/trolls/crypto haters that come out of the woodwork to say "I told you so".
Seems like the jury is out on whether they'll be one more lower low for BTC, if it does go down once more this time I'm not going to miss out on the sale!!
I hate it when that happens! The main thing I do to eliminate that from happening as much as possible is to divide my buys and sells into several lots and then either scale in or scale out, whichever is the case. It works well for me.
I think we'll see new lows in some of the biggies, but I wouldn't expect them to be substantial.
I've bought at 4.95 (lol) and 4.60 now for STEEM, have about 50% fiat reserved if it goes below $4. I remember you saying anything below $4 would be unlikely and a steal, but when that BTC tumbled past $8k I hesitated. Live and learn I guess, your analysis has been spot on!
It's funny to see the whole market crashing down, yet steem is way up from where it was 2 months ago. When I was first here it was mid $2, now it's higher while everything else is lower. There have only been a few other coins that have performed as well, and they are pretty rare. The most comparable price wise was VEN as far as what I hold, the rest of my port didn't do so hot.
Awesome to be a part of this
Damn @cryptographic. Something got into your Cheerios this morning. LOL
Well I am glad to say I do not own BCH or DASH...I do have some BTC left after scaling down so I cannot say any of this is upsetting.
I know exactly where STEEM and BTS went since I have been loading up. The 25 cent buy yesterday looks good.
Now for my daily news delivery to you, an updated post which is @stan.
Yeah, I saw that. Great to see.
BTW, did you see that STEEM is the number 1 rated cryptocurrency in the world? And BTS is tied for third?
Holy batdung! That's just huge. STEEM, BTS and EOS in the top 6, leaders. At minimum that means that a lot more people, especially those with money looking at this space, are going to be looking our way!
Fasten your seat belt!
I hope those reports get a lot of eyes. I have never heard of that one outfit that did the rankings....
Are they reputable? Are they well known? Weiss that is...
Yes makes me wish I had some EOS...somewhere inside of me I feel I am missing something, especially reading the tiff between @dan and @ned.
If this turns into a competition, I fear that @dan will take EOS and have it eat up STEEM (and not in a good way).
Market is definitely at a stressed point as people who rushed in with the heard mentality never knew what they were buying which makes then weaker hands that will sell as they panic. Once its all said and done, only the strong assets with good projects and adoption (and tech) will see the increases back to ATHs. There is still time to do homework and find assets on sale. I finally bought my first position in Steem this week so excited to continue participating in this community with engaging posts and ideas.
nice post on crytocurrency world😊
People ask me all the fuckin time what coins do I think they should buy and I always find myself telling them BITSHARES AND STEEM...
These new crypto people try so hard to catch pumps and they all think the same dumb idea "Ripple and Tron bro" They are the ones in huge trouble
Hello @cryptographic,
STEEM started the same time period at ~$1 and BitShares at ~5¢. I’ll let you check today’s price, do the math and report back with your idiot bot, or clueless brain, on just what that means, and with your conclusion about just who’s in trouble.
A common problem, people starting follow someone who guide them to build their wealth. We called them as mentor. But all mentors are not doing their job like you do. Specially they mostly promote sh!t coins like ICOs, or tokens or coins that they wish to pump up. Unlike them, you are not promoting, you are long-term investor & you know how market react. Extraordinary good professional trading experience & skills of fundamental analysis of yours, guide your followers into real wealthy way.
Steem not yet performed in 100%, SMT is not yet introduced, WEISS Rating categorized Steem in B+ today. We sense long term & you as my mentor guided into right direction. Not a signal provider, but the best guidance provider in Steemit platform.
Whoops, missed this but yes! I don't think people are properly appreciating that STEEM is the HIGHEST rated cryptocurrency on Weiss's February ratings. It's also held strong and recently been added to Binance. The long-term growth story is there - it's up to folks to decide if they believe it or not...
Great post shows the strength of Steem "never get rumor if you are unnoticed" . Steem reaching $10 seems extremely probably and I would be surprised if it does not happen by 2020. A 100% return per year is a incredible and I'm glad it's been made possible by such a great cryptocurrency backed by a great community.
Yes, this correction on grafics happened as a copy, here will think about the availability of bots and it is good that we are far from these markets, because the technology of the STEEM gives us more attractive prospects and prospects! Thank you @cryptographic
i am facing a great loss for crypto price down
well it cant be the end of the world .. what are you saying
It's really bad news for all crypto tran... Day by day lass down price... Thank you for a update news sir....and resteemed your post
It's reallt bad news. 😢😢😢
It's really bad news for all crypto tran.
Why crypto price was down day by day.
100% upvote Thanks for sharing @cryptographic
today learn a new word - backtest & got the idea behind it. can you please do the same analysis on eos? very essential thing for all steemit community. impressive article with valuable steem & bts market predictions @cryptographic
Imho, this is a superb time to invest bro but big possible profits always go hand in hand with higher risks so the golden rule is and will always be, "only put money you can afford to lose"
This time I have to fully agree with you. The price action in Steem is very good and when this thing is over, I am expecting a blast in the price. It might really re-test the lows, but overall sentiment is very positive for Steem.
I also noticed Steem's improved behaviour the other day. You can see the article HERE Thanks for sharing.
I follow your information with your crypto money very carefully..I want to win by listening to you
and I do what you say uptove I did @cryptographic
wow excellent technical analysis indeed and you also right with your observations steem can go either way may be up or may be down but yes in the long run and especially after the induction of those SMT's steem will surely go to the moon so right now buy and hodl steem is no doubt a very wise decision, thanks for sharing very nice report and analysis with us, it's extremly helpful.
I think I will see the steem price as $ 9 at most. When they pass $ 8, people are taking their money and losing volume
I read so many analyzes that tells bubbles are bursting. Well it is really depressing. You seem more optimistic but do you feel sometimes that crypto-world is collapsing? And BTW, is it worth investing in? Since it's really cheap now. Thanks for the information and motivation.
Really that.
Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..
@ cryptographic..well done sir .. upvoted and resteem done
Thanks dear discuss about the cyptocurranec
so helpful post for me. good information.
thanks for sharing
Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..@ cryptographic..well done sir .. upvoted and resteem done
thanks @cryptographic, have shared information about cryptocurrencies.
thanks @crytographic, have shared information about cryptocurrencies.
I saw Last december cryptocurrency market. It had gave more gladness effects to us. But currently steem and SBD also more cryptos seems two digits dropped and shown red liner market. I most trust in Steem token but unfortunately down $3. But I think this is a time to buy some tokens and just hodl. Definitely believe after SMTs coming out steem will be positive movement and then earn more our buying. I have no longer experience about other tokens. But little bit satisfaction with ETH and EOS projects. So I have no doubt about cryptos it will be looking good after April I guess. If am wrong please correct me @cryptographic.
There are Bear Whales in the market, These whales have cleared their big assets and cut prices down considerably. Here are tips to keep track of the Bear Balin ...
Tip 1: Monitor instant cancellations of massive purchase orders
If a large purchase order quickly disappears while watching the market, it may be a sign that the crypto money will fall. For example, suppose that there are a few big orders in the purchase orders and that they disappeared after a while ... In this case you have to be careful about a big sales emrine. Also, a large sale in an order book, also known as a sales wall, can change the behavior of other market players and reduce the price of crypto money.
Tip 2: Check if there is a strong fluctuation in price in a short time
A crypto can be pointed to the whale as soon as you see an increased price on the money and it suddenly dies as the rocket pattern increases. Price volatility may not have occurred due to news or other reasons, but may be due to whale presence. When the price increases reach the desired level of whales, all assets are sold and discarded.
Tip 3: Strong momentum in volume
An abnormal growth in the field indicates that a whale is inside. For example, when the volume is three times larger than the routine volume, it could be the work of a whale or whale group. On the one hand, if you see that the volume increases and the amount of sales increases further, this shows that the rate of change is changing.
Whales are always blamed when the market collapses suddenly and unexpectedly. Because it is true. We're losing value because of the damn whale. I hope you find them. @cryptographic.
It does not really matter for people who are in it for HODLing. I think that's the best option here. Another option is to HODL and buy more. Manipulators are going to do their job but after the bs it's going to be fine.
of course most of the cryptos are much higher than few months ago,when a new user hears about or joins Steemit, what do you think their first impression is? It's probably focused on the user being paid for creating and upvoting content regardless of their success on the platform. While this is a new and awesome concept, it's just a small part of the coming wave of disruption caused by its impactful creation.
followed + upvoted + resteemedI am first comment in your post sir @cryptographic ,, i hopefully you choice my comment.
@cryptographic - Sir believing bots is a suicide thought... In last couple of days all crypto coins dropped around 50% Sir... If someone says it's the weakness of STEEM only it's a fatal mistake... For me STEEM is the strongest Sir... I know you also believe it... Nice you decided to discuss it Sir...
steem made 4 times profit in last 6 months. no idea about bts. but eos made 6 times too. this is 3rd gen crypto revolution. it's just the beginning & long journey to go. just neglect those cry babies & haters of steem. impressive article & good shot to all cry babies who think short term. nice post @cryptographic
this will come back really stronger the best contender out there in the market
I don't see a need for 1,000 plus cryptos. It seems like steem and sbd should be able to work for the entire system.