The gaming industry has moved from being a mere source of entertainment to becoming an important generator of revenue. The problem is that monopoly in games distribution has largely hindered significant advancements in the industry. Today, many developers are kept from sharing their products with the world by high advertisement fees and overcrowding. Players on the other hand have been reliable only to enjoy the games sort of chosen for them.
It is for this reason that gaming veterans have joined hands to create a breathtaking games distribution platform, Ultra. The platform is committed to giving voice to players and developers, since it is them that actually make the gaming industry possible.
Ultra plans in a nutshell
The basic idea that Ultra developers have in mind can be broken into several pieces. The first one is to make it possible to port games published on Steam. The porting process will be smooth and nearly effortless.
Developers will enjoy faster payments than currently offered by other distributors. This means that a project will not be delayed due to lack of funding. With faster payouts, a developer will be able to receive feedback and fix a bug which may have been missed during development.
Many games are being introduced into the market every day. While this may sound good for players, it has created the problem of overcrowding. The blockchain technology on which Ultra is built allows for decongestion. Developers will be able to advertise their products without being overshadowed by others. Players will on the other hand get the chance to choose from a wide variety of exciting games. The technology also allows players to search for their favorite games with ease.
We have been made to think of developers as some anti-social guys in some garage somewhere. The problem is that such a concept hinders flow of communication, especially feedback from player to developer. Ultra is opening communication between developers and players. Developers will also have a central role to play in regards to how their revenue is shared and how their data flows.
Finally, Ultra is moving away from the need for central agents in charge of systems. With blockchain technology, transactions, including financial transactions will be done by the system.
What makes investing in Ultra a great idea?
Imagine being in charge of what game you will play and being paid for playing your favorite game. Imagine being a developer and being able to interact directly with your customers, all without need for a central agent to hook you up.
Players, developers and investors have a place at Ultra. The platform is like a virtual world specifically built for their needs. This means that the Ultra community will grow exponentially in the years to come. For an investor, growth is very crucial.
We are currently supporting more than 30 billion ads in a day. The platform has borrowed ideas from veterans in the world of gaming and blockchain technology. This is not to mention that we have already registered downloads in millions. As days go by, our games database continues to swell.
Visit our main website for details and statistical data.
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well organized article 👍