Downvoting. 25%-35% per month? Technical charting to predict where the rates are going? Nonsense. Total nonsense. You will blow yourself up soon enough. If you have actually had these large returns, it is nothing more than pure luck. It is impossible to make those kinds of returns without taking huge risks.
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A lot of these traders I have mentioned aim to make a profit ranging 1-6% per trading day. I have mentioned in this article that there is a risk to reward ratio. We can invest more conservatively and aim for 5-10% per month which is still a great return. Please test it for yourself before you judge, a lot these signal providers have a history of 6 months or more which you can check for yourself. There is no risk using demo accounts & you can view the traders full trade history.
Dude - I work in finance. I have professional experience with the FX markets. I have worked with hedge funds. I am telling you, what you are saying is complete BS. No one can make the returns you are talking about. If you made those returns, you would not be wasting your time on Steemit. 35% monthly returns turns $1,000 into over $35,000 in a year. Your reply, that traders look to 1-6% per day (6%?!!) doesn't even match up with with your prior absurd statement of 25%-35% monthly. 6% per day (assuming only 20 days in a month) turns $1,000 into millions in one year.
We're (theoretically) paid to curate good content - this is not good and hence the downvote. It's basically promotional material for gullible people looking to get rich quickly.
1%/day turns $1000 into $37,783.43 in a year
2%/day turns $1000 into $1,377,408.29
It gets ridiculous after that (even though 365%/year is phenomenal in and of itself)
6% daily turns $1000 into $1,724,411,147,271.40! Yeah right!
35%/month would turn $1000 into $65,106.18 in a year
and that's assuming 365 days/year....there's about 250 active trading days yearly so at a 1% daily trade return you're actually only looking at $12,079.11
No one gets these kind of returns, ever. S+P baseline is around 10% (averaged from 1871-2015 including dividends comes out at 10.71% yearly) anyone who does better than this is doing well. An amazing trader might make an averaged 0.1% per day every day on each trading day. That still amounts to a 25% yearly return!
Let me correct you there: Very few people get these returns - and NOBODY gets is consistently. Also: Where does the money come from? It comes from amateurs who lose it to the big gainers.
Thanks for doing the maths. 10% return per year is great investment in my eyes. I do mainly value investing through stocks. I only invest a very small amount of my portfolio into forex and I do accept the high risk involved but I still it's worth the risk.
This is 'piprancher' he has killed it last few months and consistently made good profits for last 2 months. I've talked to this trader via email, and he is actually moving on to a more premium service where is going to get paid more for his work. thanks again for your comment

10% yearly is no where close to the 1% per day you're saying you consistently get in the OP. It's closer to 1% monthly.
10% yearly is still great, however!